Today I made this little cat cushion.
It was something that I thought of doing for a while but it has taken me nearly five months to actually get around to do it because I just couldn’t bring myself to think about the reason for the gift.
I also have new cat fabrics, two of which I am using in the cat cushion.
You can see them in the little hearts below
This is the finished cushion, such a happy little kitty just having a snooze.
The other new fabrics are these three…
More quilting cotton but the one in the middle is actually a brushed flannel so I think I will use that for something cosy.
This cushion is going to be a thank you gift for my vet who looked after my little girl and was so gentle with her and kind to me. It has taken me this long to make it as I just couldn’t think about it without feeling my heart breaking all over again.
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