I am having a crafty long weekend, as per this post and this post, and this post, and this post, It’s been a really good couple of days so far and I’ve been really enjoying crafting without an agenda. Since I had the watercolours out, I decided to keep going with that medium.
I had these heat embossed flowers from the Sweetest Pea stamp set by Altenew, that I had done in this post with all the other heat embossing and set aside. It’s not so easy to tell in the photo, but the one on the left is lilac embossing powder and the one on the right is white embossing powder.
I decided to watercolor them using my Altenew Watercolor set. I wet the inside of the flowers and then dropped some colour in.
Sweet Peas are one of my favourite flowers. I love their delicate look and their delicate perfume. I actually have some in the garden right now, though they are still quite small and need to grow a bit yet before they start producing flowers.
I seem to be completely hooked on these colours and can’t stop using them. Of course what this means is that they are going to run out very soon, and way sooner than any of the others in the set!
So at the time I heat embossed these flowers, I hadn’t decided what else I was going to do with them, so after watercolouring the first flower piece, I decided that I would first mask off the flowers on the second piece and colour the background before I started on the colouring of the flowers.
I placed the masks on the flowers.
And used this light blue for the background – it even makes the masks look good – I was tempted to just leave them on there lol.
Once the masks were removed, it was time to paint the flowers
After wetting the flowers and dropping in the colours, I put it aside to dry before getting back to the first one I had coloured and needed a background.
I decided to use this much darker colour for the background this time, and I just LOVE it.
I used a water brush to touch up some of the spaces left around where the masks had been – just a few little bits around the edges of some of the flowers which would probably have been OK but I am just a little picky.
And this is the finished piece. I just adore this colour combination. It makes me want to paint it on my bedroom walls lol
And here are the two of them side by side. Looking at them like this I can’t help wanting to darken up the one on the right, and I might do that later.
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