So yesterday was mum’s birthday and I made her this card.   But I also quickly customised a white gift bag so I thought I would share a few details about that in this quick post.

Happy Birthday Mum card 2019


As I shared in the other post, I was running late with everything and I needed to get over to mum’s asap as we were going out for lunch.  After finally finishing the card, I needed to wrap the presents and for speed decided to use a plain white gift bag that I had leftover from when I used to do craft fairs and before the 5p bag levy was introduced, so yeah I have all these bags, that quite honestly I was thinking of donating somewhere as I could use the space. Anyhoo, I grabbed the white bag, but it looks super un-festive, so what could I do VERY quickly to make it look better?

Watercolour wash with Windsor and Newton Inks

I could have made another watercolour wash to match the card but bearing in mind at this point I had ZERO time, I pulled out this wash I had done a few weeks ago, using some Winsor and Newton drawing inks.  The one with the purple and blue inks would work well I thought.

Happy Birthday diecut watercoloured letters bold alphabet dies

I used my favourite Altenew Bold Alphabet dies to quickly diecut happy birthday from the piece – and you know even with this shortage of time I did contemplate doing eclipse inlaid diesetting haha – insanity – but I didn’t.  I just used the negative piece. I really love how these individual letters look though.  I felt the same way when I did the OM card, and I need to remember to cut out more watercoloured letters as I just think they look so pretty.

Happy Birthday gift bag watercoloured diecut panel


I glued the negative piece onto the white gift bag after rounding the corners to make it look more like it was planned and less like a leftover from the stash lol and remembering to add all the little centres back to the a’s, b’s, d’s and p’s and then found some co-ordinating tissue paper to stuff inside with the gifts.

Happy Birthday mum card and gift bag


And we’re done! This is an idea I am going to mull over for a while and see what else I can come up with and maybe build on to the idea – I’m thinking Christmas especially – but I also have a few birthdays between now and then, and more time to plan!

Bold Alphabet dies – Altenew
Winsor and Newton Drawing Inks
Hot press watercolour paper
Nuvo Deluxe Adhesive
White gift bag from stash
Tissue paper from stash


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