Day 6 – Tape. I love making my own washi tape from my gel prints but I love this peeled paint idea which Birgit demos in her YT videos and I got a little carried away! I’m trying really hard not to pick favourites but this one, this one has my heart!
The technique involves laying strips of clear tape on the gelli plate, and then applying paint over it and start pulling prints. The more you pull, the more distressed they become as less paint is left on the plate and more white areas emerge. The above background reminds me so much of a current scrapbook paper that I am totally obsessed with, and now I’m thinking I could just make it myself, because my print is totally awesome, and dare I say it, better than the scrapbook paper!
Day 6 – The tape backgrounds
I made a LOT of backgrounds, and these are some of my favourite – I tried to keep like colours together. The technique is called “peeled paint” but I also think “distressed wood” or “weathered wood” would also be fitting.
The flip-through
I made a little flip-through video to show all the backgrounds on Instagram – yes I loved it so much I even made a video! So here it is for your viewing pleasure.
The washi tape
And what happens to the tape that is stuck to the gelli plate? Well of course it becomes your new washi tape!
Now this tape is no longer sticky because it is covered in paint, but you can still use it like washi or decorative tape, just glue it down on your project! The tape itself is a bit shiny because that’s what packing tape is like so if you don’t like the shine, just apply some matte media to the top!
The challenge
This month on Instagram Birgit Koopsen (@birgit_koopsen) is holding a Gel Printing Challenge with fun daily prompts to make you get more out of your gel plate – and there are giveaways from both Birgit and @gelliarts. I love my gel plate so I decided to join in. Here are the prompts and the links if you want to join in too. This image is from Birgit’s instagram page and IG has cut off her name from the bottom. so to see the photo and read about the challenge, click here.
Gel Plate
Acrylic Paints – various
Bristol paper, Mixed Media paper
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