Today I took a little break to do some Christmas knitting!
A small group of us are in a book group together and each year we exchange cards and a small gift. I always make something and earlier in the year had already thought of something, but then life got in the way and well I really don’t know what happened to November but we are approaching the end of it, which just happens to be our posting deadline. Now it’s too late to start on the thing that I planned to make everyone! So I was in a bit of a panic yesterday and I was even on amazon looking to see if I could find a suitable book to send everyone instead. Then last night, just as I was falling asleep, I hit on an idea that I could very probably get done in time, so I got up this morning and had a rummage through my yarn stash and so now everyone is getting something hand knitted!
One down, five to go! I have six items to make and post overseas, so the key here is to use big yarn and big needles to make big knitting so I can get them all finished and posted in time. I do love a bit of chunky hand knitting myself so hopefully so will the giftees! I already have my cards made so I’m feeling a bit more positive that I can actually get this done on time. I will share the cards soon, as well as the finished knitted things. Here at the Empire of the Cat, crafting with kittens is always a challenge at the best of times and anything involving yarn and cats is always tricky – right now Lily is eyeing up my knitting and trying out the yarn to see if it has a flavour she likes lol.
In between making these “items” today, I also had to stop and play fetch the stick with her brother, my silly cat who thinks he’s a dog! Stick is one of his words, he gets pretty excited when I say it, almost as excited as when I say yogurt – imagine what would happen if I said them both in the same sentence lol. He’s actually sitting here now staring at the back of my head and willing me to throw the stick again. (It’s not a real stick btw, I didn’t want him getting splinters). This will be a short post as the pressure is getting to me and I need to obey and throw the stick before he makes my head explode lol.
Oh and my Christmas Cactus is in flower, and it’s not even December yet!
As always, thanks for reading! Tell me what you think in the comments.
Art Every Day Month – Day 24 – my hand knitting project
big yarn, big needles!
From stash: everything!
I admire folks who can knit &/or crochet! Love that cute kitteh’s face.
This Christmas cactus is gorgeous. Several of my friends have them and they also say they are blooming early this year.
Beautiful knitting. Are you going to share what this is, because it doesn’t look like much to me (sorry) other than lovely knitting. Now go play fetch with your cat, dear Elle.
Ha ha. Mr. Stick is a handsome guy. I had a cat once who knew the word tuna and I used to sing a little song I made up. he knew that too. But I have never heard of a cat and the word stick. Animals are such fun and always a little interesting. Nice idea using the chunky yarn. And that is a pretty Christmas cactus. I know you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Scotland but you could say it is a Thanksgiving cactus. Mine was just blooming a couple of weeks ago. Have a super Wednesday. Hugs-Erika