Happy Monday, happy Cyber Monday and last day of November! Today was the day that I was supposed to be posting my overseas gifts but I wasn’t able to do it even although I got everything finished in time, so it will have to be a trip to the post office tomorrow instead. Here’s a look at what I’ll be posting…
Firstly, my cards. As part of the Life Book Taster sessions, Ida Andersen Lang gave a bonus free lesson on her website which you had to sign up for and it was time limited. I signed up at the time of the Taster Sessions and then promptly forgot about half the things I signed up for! Luckily I remembered to check my email in time to be able to watch the class with about a day to spare before access was cut off! i actually hadn’t even watched her Taster Lesson class fully so this was a big surprise and I really loved her style of teaching. (Then I discovered she also has a lesson in Kaleidoscope which I haven’t watched either because I’m so behind in that course too lol). Anyway, I’m really excited to watch that when I get some free time. Meanwhile, I did the free lesson which I think was called Wish Upon a Star. I had so much fun with it and it resulted in this:
I made a few of them and turned them into cards, just six for the six friends that I am mailing gifts to…
I’m hoping they might want to keep them as little mini works of art lol
Each one is every so slightly different, the hair, the paint splatters, the dress etc.
All I need to do now is make some envelopes for them and then they can be posted.
So what are they being posted with? Well after five days of knitting and crochet, I have these to show for my time (and still joints). They are all cowls, the five in the middle are knitted and the two on the outside are crocheted. Very thick wool was used on the middle ones and the other two are an acrylic/wool mix.
And if you are wondering what they look like when they’re on, well the ladies can help you out there lol. Keep your neck warm mode:
Or keep your head warm mode, handy for windy days to stop your hair blowing all over the place:
This yarn has a bit of a story, as it was sent to me by my friend who is in the US. She sent me two balls and I didn’t know what to do with it and put it in my stash with the rest of the wool horde. Then a few months ago, I was having a cleanout and donating a lot of craft supplies to a local charity and found these two balls of yarn and wondered if I could do something with them, then I looked at the label and sure enough there’s a pattern on there for a crochet cowl that takes one ball of yarn! So I wondered if I could possibly make her one for Christmas using the yarn she sent me a couple of Christmases ago and got to work after I did all the knitted cowls. I did one and liked it so much that I decided to use the second ball to make one for myself. I’m wearing it now and it’s keeping my neck warm and toasty in this drafty old house. Of course now I’m wondering if that was her plan all along, so I will have to find out, though I think she will be surprised when she opens the box and has probably forgotten all about the yarn.
So now that these gifts that required posting are finished, I can relax a little bit, but I am still knitting and crocheting my way through the stash, and I know I’m asking for trouble, as it will really cause some problems with my joint issues, but I am hoping to take it easy since I have all month to do the rest and I don’t have to do anything silly like four in day like I did last week.
Oh and I still have some little things to finish and put in with the cowls, but some of them are made of clay and they are not dry yet and they still have to be painted! I’m making Christmas ornaments and some special ones for my cal loving friends!
And the watercolour bookmarks I shared in the last post, and something painted on bits of wood, if I can get it all done in time that is!
Oh yes and I signed up for Life Book 2021 today but I have a feeling I am going to be watching most of it like this, with a giant cat obscuring the screen! They do love to watch people making things especially if it involves paintbrushes lol.
So that was my last post for the month (apart from the wrap-up of course), hope you enjoyed reading it and thanks for making it all the way to the end! It’s also my final link up to Art Every Day Month. I’ve enjoyed the challenge and wish I’d discovered it at the beginning of the month and I might have been more productive. As always, thanks for reading!
Art Every Day Month – Day 30
Art Daily Cafe – November Challenge – Inner Dreams (open till end Dec)
From stash: everything!
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