Hello friends
Today is Day 4 of the Blog Along and I thought I’d share these socks I’m working on and a bit of a story about how long it’s taken me to get this far!
First of all, I have to share this image because it makes me laugh every time someone tells me they like my “knitting” (which is actually crochet) [icon name=”grin-squint-tears” style=”regular” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] [icon name=”grin-squint-tears” style=”regular” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] [icon name=”grin-squint-tears” style=”regular” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]
I have a few more funny memes I’ll put at the end of the post but meanwhile, back to the plot! So a couple of years ago I decided to make myself some socks because my feet (along with the rest of me) are always cold. I really didn’t want to knit any more socks as I don’t like messing about with multiple needles so I decided to crochet some socks. Here are the socks I crocheted back then, complete with bonus in-motion kitty:
They are so warm and the texture of the stitch makes them very comfortable to walk on, kind of squishy. They didn’t take very long and there are benefits to crocheting over knitting socks, like being able to do them all in one piece without having to cast on and off or leave bits on other needles to work later and over all a lot less faffing about.
Working the heel section is especially handy in crochet once you get the hang of it. It is all part of the one piece rather than sewing it together later as in knitting. You can see the heel section in the photo above.
I was so thrilled with them, that I bought more of this yarn and decided to start a second pair…. back in January 2019! I had a whole month of visiting my mother in hospital, twice a day,and so I thought I may as well bring something along to do during visiting hour. Crochet occupies my hands but not the part of my brain I needed for communication so I could still give my full attention to the visit. Brilliant!
It’s better to work the two socks at the same time to make sure they are the same size and length since there are no real rounds, just one continuous spiral all the way up the sock from toe to top. So the best way is to use two balls of yarn, one for each sock, and do one toe section using one ball, then switch to the second ball and do the toe section of the second sock. Then work on the foot sections, then the heel sections, then the leg sections swapping back and forth and measuring and trying on as you go. That was fine when I was doing my hospital visiting, very easy crochet, first using single crochet stitch for the toe sections and then switching to grit stitch for the foot. Here’s a closer look at the two stitches…
I got quite a lot done and was ready to do the tricky heel sections of both socks and could see me finishing a pair of socks by the end of the month when my mum would be discharged – and that’s when it all came to a grinding halt! I could not remember how to do the heel sections! I don’t know how many attempts at heel turning I did at the hospital but it went wrong every time, so I gave up and put them aside deciding I would do them later when I could give it my full attention. Well even with my full attention I still couldn’t get it right which was maddening considering I had already finished a pair of the exact same socks lol.
So let’s fast forward to TWO & A BIT YEARS later, and I pulled these unfinished socks out of my bag and was determined to work it out and finish the socks once and for all because considering it’s April (ie Spring) it is surprisingly cold and we had snow the other day, so I thought I could really use another pair of thick handmade socks. Just I just sat down and keep doing it until I finally realised where I was going wrong and…
FINALLY! I worked it out and I am now currently working my way up the legs of both socks in tandem, so I will post another update when they are finished as it won’t take long now that I have turned a corner or turned a heel even lol.
And meanwhile, here are a few more funny crochet memes:
People with hobbies are never bored!
It’s good to have life skills lol
Let me know what you think in the comments and as always, thanks for reading!
Blog Along with Effy – Day 4
Links to all the days of the April blog along
April 1st – Day 1 – You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing
April 2nd – Day 2 – Cat hammocks and sneak peeks
April 3rd – Day 3 – Favourite Children’s Books
This month I decided to join in with Effy Wild’s blog along – 30 posts in 30 days and hope I can think if enough things to say. every. day. I’ll do my best to keep up. The idea is to blog every day (obvs) but also to comment on other people’s blogs to keep the conversation going. There is a facebook group where you can link your posts and find other people’s to go visit and comment. During April you can find all the Blog Along posts linked on my home page for convenience.
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I LOVE them!!! I used to design crochet socks – these look fabulous!!!
Yay well done! I’m just learning to crochet more than granny squares. I have a hand written pattern for a mitten, the right, but I don’t have the pattern for the left. It’s easy to reverse the stitches isn’t it.. I mean it can’t be hear right?? Ha ha