Hello again, here I am with yet another 10 day catch up for the #100DayProject, this time it’s days 71-80 and of course it’s late because today is the last day of the challenge – Day 100!  The good news is that I have nearly all of them finished, just the final three that I am still working on but will be finished today. From the beginning I have been posting about each batch of ten so I wanted to continue those separate posts, and I will do a round up post with all 100 of them later this week.

You can find a detailed post for my Day 1 project where I went into the ins and outs of what I was doing, and here is a look at
the first ten days and
days 11-20
days 21-30
days 31-40
days 41-50
days 51-60
days 61-70
days 71-80 (this post!)
For this post, I am presenting the finished projects for days 71 to 80 which contains some of my favourite covers, and usually I would then post close ups of the individual ATCs but for these covers, I have already done so in two other posts so you can see them here with the book-to-movie post and here with the bonus journal page.

OK so maybe I will post a couple of my favourites from this batch… and that’s all five of these!  These are all about the outfits right?  TTTW is all about the shoes, the Princess Bride is the whole ensemble, the Martian is about the suit and the helmet, and the two on the end, The Great Gatsby and Wicked, are all about the hats!  Can honestly say I have never drawn a spaceman before but I love him and the reflection on his helmet,

And this one!  I was fine drawing the building and painting the sea blue etc but then it came to adding the waves and I thought “I don’t know how to do that” so then I just started trying to make something that might look a bit similar and it looked nothing like waves at all.  But then when it dried it did sort of start to look like waves, not the kind of waves on the book cover (failed at that lol) but it does, from a distance, look a bit like waves to me anyway. It makes me want to try again with more seascapes and see if I can improve on it.

OK I had to include this one as a favourite too because of the kitty!  He could do with being a little darker, more black, but I like it overall.


#The100dayproject – Day 71-80
So why ATCs and why these books?  Well in order to make it easier on myself and therefore make it more likely that I could do all 100 days, I thought ATCs would be perfect.  Then I thought of book quotes handwriting them, perfect way to practice my lettering and also indulge my love of books.  So what books?  The first 25 books are all books with elements of magic in them (fantasy, supernatural, urban fantasy, vampires, witches, werewolves etc) and then I changed to modern fiction and so on but now with only 30 books left I have some difficult choices to make!  As with the first 25 books, all books must be taken from my shelves and be actual physical books, no ebooks, no audiobooks!  I have also started taking elements from the book covers and incorporating them in the ATCs so they are starting to look like mini book covers and we’ve been playing “name that book” in our book group lol. [icon name=”book-reader” style=”solid” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]

So tell me, which is your favourite book and which is your favourite cover, if any? Let me know in the comments and as always, thanks for reading!

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