Hello again, yes it’s yet another 10 day catch up for the #100DayProject, this time it’s the last 10 days 91-100 and I am late posting it as day 100 was Monday 10th but that doesn’t really matter, the main thing is that I completed them all and it would have been on time if I hadn’t been ill. I plan to take photos of all 100 of them together if I can find somewhere flat to do that but for now the final batch of 10 deserves its own post don’t you think?
You can find a detailed post for my Day 1 project where I went into the ins and outs of what I was doing, and here is a look at
the first ten days and
days 11-20
days 21-30
days 31-40
days 41-50
days 51-60
days 61-70
days 71-80
days 81-90
days 91-100 (this post!)
For this post, I am presenting the finished projects for days 91 to 100 and this batch has some of my favourite books ever as well as some of the covers I enjoyed painting.
It’s Wednesday lunchtime and so I am linking up to WOYWW. So what’s on my desk are the ATCs ready to have their close ups done. The ones I really like are Jane Eyre, Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Brave New World, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Poems of Emily Dickinson, The Magician’s Nephew and The Winter of Enchantment. Drawing the bulidings on Brave New World was really fun to do and quite effective when finished. I’m pretty sure I’ve never drawn a flying horse or a donkey before so that was interesting lol. My favourite books from this batch are similar to the above titles with the addition of Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice, I’m just not 100% happy with how the covers turned out. Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, The Winter of Enchantment and The Magician’s Nephew have been favourites since childhood, and books that I read over and over and over again and never tired of them.
I came to Pride and Prejudice a little later on, teenage years, and when it came to painting the cover on an ATC, I realised that I had quite a few options to chose from because I apparently have several copies of this book all with different covers and two of them are by the same publisher lol. I guess they decided to change the focus of their cover from one man and three women, assume to be Mr Bennet and three of the daughters (?) to just one woman assume to be Elizabeth Bennet(?). The Penguin edition has two women on the cover who I assume are supposed to be Elizabeth and Jane (?) or maybe one of the younger sisters, and then the final copy, which is part of a Jane Austen set, just has a wallpaper cover, a different wallpaper for each of the books in the set. I know there is at least one more copy in a set of leather-bound classics too! I had such a hard time trying to paint these ladies on the cover I chose, that I wish I had gone with the wallpaper cover!
Coincidentally while I was looking for something else yesterday, I found something I forgot I had so I had to include it in this post for P + P…
This Pride and Prejudice t-shirt is also on my desk today. I bought it a few years ago on a trip to NYC (remember when we used to travel to far off distant places?) and I visited The Strand bookshop which has something like 25 miles of bookshelves, and a dizzying selection of bookish merch some of which I couldn’t resist.
So my desk was nice and clear with all the book cover ATCs done and photographed and room on it for multiple copies of Pride and Prejudice and a t-shirt, and then this happened…
I thought I would do some collage with some bits and pieces I had saved but of course, I had to pull everything out to look for them and well now my desk looks like a collage explosion! By the time I’ve found the tiny pieces I want I will have forgotten what I wanted them for haha.
#The100dayproject – Day 91-100
So why ATCs and why these books? Well in order to make it easier on myself and therefore make it more likely that I could do all 100 days, I thought ATCs would be perfect. Then I thought of book quotes handwriting them, perfect way to practice my lettering and also indulge my love of books. So what books? The first 25 books are all books with elements of magic in them (fantasy, supernatural, urban fantasy, vampires, witches, werewolves etc) and then I changed to modern fiction and so on but now with only 30 books left I have some difficult choices to make! As with the first 25 books, all books must be taken from my shelves and be actual physical books, no ebooks, no audiobooks! I have also started taking elements from the book covers and incorporating them in the ATCs so they are starting to look like mini book covers and we’ve been playing “name that book” in our book group lol. [icon name=”book-reader” style=”solid” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]
WOYWW #623 – Here I am linking up and showing what is on my desk today before there was a collage explosion on it and afterwards. (I’m number 27 in the linkup)
So tell me, which is your favourite book and which is your favourite cover, if any? Let me know in the comments and as always, thanks for reading!
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My favourite books from the choice today are Pride and Prejudice and The Magicians Nephew. My favourite ATC is Jane Eyre. The books are all time favourites of mine, I love the Narnia books and have read them many times. Your description of yourself fits me to a T – a cup of Tea naturally. Angela #10
Your ATCs are amazing what a fabulous 100 day project. I had to laugh at the collage explosion on the desk – that is so what happens to me. Tidy desk one minute, chaos the next! Happy WOYWW (a day late!). Take care and stay safe, With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#19)
Ah Elle, your collage explosion looks really fine to me, wouldn’t mind coming over for a rummage, I must say! did I recommend Bookishly.com to you yet? Book merch there is lovely, hand lettered quotes to make your heart race! I’m a big fan of Emma as well as P&P, I think it must be the law to end up owning several copies in different covers!
What stunning ATCs Elle and such a clever idea to use your favourite books as inspiration. Look forward to seeing the collage results from that glorious busy looking desk too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1
I just love your tiny book covers – so nice to see them all with the links. I couldn’t pick a favourite of your covers, they are all amazing. Your desk looks like a work of art in it’s own right.
being brief, with still sluggish internet
Mary Anne (2)
what a great idea for your 100 day project – i am in awe of anyone who has been able to keep it going! Have a great WOYWW Helen #5
Ooh my word, Elle, you have been busy this week! I love your messy, colourful desk, full of inspiration and fun. Your ATCs are just beautiful… I love Pride and Prejudice too! I particularly love the BBC dramatisation with Colin Firth. I’ve got the DVD set of that, and recently discovered it on Netflix.
Thank you for your visit last week and for your good wishes – update on my this week’s post, and great progress on the kitty throw and Purple Circles jumper too.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #24
You’ve got some classic books there today! I loved your take on the covers, it’s good inspiration isn’t it, I wouldn’t have thought of that myself. Your messy desk desk made me smile, only someone having a lot of fun could make a pile that pretty!
hugs LLJ 7 xx