Today is a sad anniversary after having the kitten birthday last week as it also marks the fifth anniversary of losing my best boy, Wombat. Just over a year after losing my beautiful cuddly girl Roo-Baby, I lost my sweet boy too and it broke my heart all over again. I want to celebrate the awesomeness that was him in these photos…He was the sweetest boy ever, such a gentle cat that never bit or scratched me and used to retract his claws if he touched skin when he was playing. He was obsessed with his fishing rod toy and dragged it everywhere including onto the bed while we were asleep, ready to play in the morning. He used to be an outdoor/indoor cat before we moved but the new place wasn’t good for cats so the solution of course, was walkies on his harness. He used to love that and really took to it like a duck to water, much more so than the other two. He even used to bring me the harness and lead to let me know he wanted to go out!
Once we were in the garden and he did his check of the perimeter to make sure everything was as he left it last time, he would settle down in the grass or in the cat mint and watch me working in the garden. If I went out of sight, he would come looking for me to make sure I was OK, and then he would go back to enjoying the sunshine and the plants.
Of course he brought in more grass for Roo-Baby and tell her of his adventures and she would investigate all the outdoor scents on him to see where he had been.
He also loved decorating the tree at Christmas and loved to dive into big piles of tinsel and hide and pounce on the other cats.
He loved to cuddle up with Roo-Baby when it was time for cat naps.
He had lots of cuddle time with his buddy almost from birth, Roo-Baby. They were together for seventeen years happy and devoted to each other. They had been together since they were weeks old and he was so very sad when we lost her and even though he was obviously sad, he tried to comfort me by putting his paw on my hand like he was holding it and we would sit like that for hours.
Here they are together enjoying a catmint session together, three happy cats together. The tabby is Miss P (aka Possum).
And of course more cuddle time
He was ten weeks old when I got him together with Roo-Baby and we spent 18 happy years together. I wish it could have been longer. Miss you every day sweet boy.Shortly after adopting them both, I started a tapestry cushion with a cat on it that looked just like him. I did it on and off for years, then I realised I’d made a mistake and put it aside for a long time before getting it out a few years ago and fixing it. Then I lost him and I just couldn’t face it so the cushion remains unfinished. I keep telling myself that I need to get it finished and maybe put his name on it.
I would love to finish it, but it is hard sometimes to think about him or to think about this tapestry cushion that I started so long ago when he was just a kitten and in all that time that he was with me I never managed to actually finish it! Maybe one day…As always, thanks for reading!
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