Hello Friends and welcome to September!
This post is pulling double duty today as firstly it is Wednesday and time for WOYWW (What’s on your workdesk Wednesday) and secondly because it is 1st September and time for another Blogalong with Effy. I would like to say I am prepared but I’m really not. I have been offline for a couple of weeks due to ill health and I’m still not quite 100% yet so just trying to take it easy – I’ve either been in bed or on the sofa but either way, I’ve been horizontal for way too much time!
I don’t even have a desk photo today for WOYWW, instead here is a photo of the dining table with an UFO on it. I wasn’t feeling up to doing very much but I did drag out this tapestry that was started ahem quite some time ago and decided I would make an effort to try and finally finish it since it seemed like something I could do without it being too taxing. I will talk more about the tapestry in a later post. The boxes in the photo are full of tapestry wool in various colours, the canvas in question is rolled up in the middle of the photo, with my stork scissors on top, and then the bag that I keep it all in is on the right.
It was odd to be completely offline but honestly I was too poorly to care or even to think that much about it for the first week, then in the second week I started to feel like doing something. In addition to this UFO, I also dragged out a tub of Harris Tweed off-cuts that I’ve been saving up for a while as I had thought about turning them into some kind of patchwork quilt or throw but of course, these things never do get done and boxes of unused stuff just continue to clutter up the spare room. So while I was lying on the sofa with nothing else to do, I thought I could at least make a start on that with very little effort. Here’s just a fraction of what’s in the boxes…
As all the Harris Tweed came from other projects, some of it still had interfacing on it, so my first task was to remove all the interfacing, easy enough to do while lying down, and my next task will be to sort the tweeds into same colours and by size. After I removed all the old interfacing, Lily had a ball diving in and out of it as if it was a big pile of Autumn leaves. Is she laughing at the task I’ve given myself or is she just having fun in the big pile of interfacing?
That’s it for today, back to the sofa for me! Hope you enjoyed the post, let me know if you too have some UFOs lying around. As always, thanks for reading!
tapestry wool, canvas, Harris Tweed, interfacing, etc
WOYWW – #639 – What’s on my desk (I’m number #10 in the linkup!) Happy WOYWW!Blog Along with Effy – Day 1
Links to all the days of the September blog-along
Sept 1st – this post
This month I decided to join in with Effy Wild’s blog-along – 30 posts in 30 days same as we did in April this year. The idea is to blog every day if you can, but also to comment on other people’s blogs to keep the conversation going. There is a facebook group where you can link your posts and find other people’s to go visit and comment.You might also like . . .
I’ve just worked out what your Big Boy weighs in pounds – about 17 1/2 pounds! That’s one BIG kitty! More than the combined weight of our two “dainty girls lol lol!! Not sure I could cope with HIM on my lap.
Shoshi x
Thank you for all your fantastic comments, Elle! I so enjoyed reading them all. Wel done, too, for all the catching up – quite a bit of reading to do! You and I have so much in common. How I would love to get together and have a good natter over a cup of tea, with a cat or two to stroke, too!
I agree with you about expensive crafty equipment. Very often you can get the equivalent from a different discipline at a fraction of the cost. You can get interesting things from florists, and I’ve bought all sorts of bits and pieces from our local farm supplier – poultry grit makes the most fantastic texture for mixed media projects, for example! I use polyfilla instead of expensive moulding paste and it does a great job.
I’m glad your ceramic bowls work OK on the box for the cats. I know Ruby would knock it off though! They seem to be fine with the new bowls and I like that they fix into the place on the base. My hubby was worried that they would be put off because they were different, but the very first time they had them, it was the food they were interested in and the bowls didn’t make any difference at all! Ruby’s only been sick once and we think it is because she eats so fast. When they are sick with grass it’s usually ony a bit of liquid.
Very interesting about the China Study. I haven’t actually read it but I know about it. Dr. T. Colin Campbell is one of my heroes – a great champion of the whole-food plant-based lifestyle. The film “Forks Over Knives” has quite a bit to say about his work. It’s been a great adventure for me and I thoroughly enjoy the food – I love cooking, and I think we have far more variety now than we did when we were omnivores. My hubby hasn’t complained of any further pain over the past week or two and I think now he’s drinking a decent amount of water every day, it’s bound to help.
I’ve visited your post about the apples and plums and left a comment there. A lovely post!
I’d be very interested to hear how you make your soya milk. I had a nifty little machine but unfortunately it’s broken and I’ve devised a new method. I don’t make as much as I should and need more Okara!! My home made tofu was not a success so I buy it now, and love it. Your brownie and mayonnaise recipes sound interesting too and I’d love to hear how you use tofu for those. I’m keen to get as much soya into me as possible at the moment to counter the effects of my oestrogen blocker!!
I am finding I watch my digitised DVDs much more than when they were still DVDs. I’ve still got masses, though and I doubt I’ll ever finish digitising them all! Most of them are home-made ones. I always back everything up – I’m paranoid about it, having lost too much stuff in the past when I didn’t know any better!
We used to have awful trouble with kitties in the car. Poor little Phoebe didn’t travel well and stuff used to come out of every oriface. Beatrice would cower at the back of the cat carrier to try and stop being covered in it. Phoebe was relatively quiet but Beatrice would yowl and howl for the whole 20 minute journey! It’s much easier now with the vet being just down the road – a 5 min. car journey. Our present two have even been known to purr at the vet’s!!! I thought they sounded pretty heavy after this latest weigh-in but they can’t compete with yours – I can’t imagine having all that weight of kitty flesh on me! Just over a stone is quite enough for me!
Shoshi x
Your Lily is definitely having a laugh! She is so pretty. Hope you get to feeling better soon. My allergies are better but still have some fatigue. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Carol N #21
I can tell Lily is definitely laughing… I would, if I was a cat! I do hope your energy will get back bit by bit every day and that you will soon feel fine again. I hope the weather is as nice and sunny as it is here at the moment (finally!) so you can grab some vitamine D. Hug from Holland, Marit #4
Oh sorry you have been unwell. Your needlepoint takes me back – I inherited a pile of partially completed seat covers from my Grandma but I am sad to say I never finished them. I think they got donated in one of our clear-outs as one of our pre-move prep. Wish I had them now. Feel better soon!
Mary Anne (15)
loads of colours, good on you to get them out, the mojo will return! Please excoose any spelling mistakes as not on my normal laptop. Mr Jinx sends hugs to your pussycat and a meow, that I didn’t quite understand! I’m rushing round as my link to Stammping Ground might suddnenly stop! Happy Late WOYWW ((Lyn)) 22#
I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been so unwell, I hope you are recovering steadily. The tapestry looks beautiful from what I can see, I’m completely in love with that black and white edging! The tweed offcuts are beautiful and I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with them. Your little helper is very cute and looks keen to get on with a project too!
Happy WOYWW,
Diana xx #8
What fun UFOs! I really like that diamond border on the embroidery. But my favorite picture is Lily. 🙂
My post is also doing double duty! Sorry you have been unwell…
Love the kitty in the interfacing photo and the tweeds.
Glad you are joining in again!
Susan #7
I am sure your kitty is smiling and bet she’s hoping you will leave this lovely pile for her to cuddle up with. You don’t need to tell me about boxes of forgotten stuff, I have loads of it! The tweed pieces would make a nice patchwork bag maybe. Wishing you a lovely and creative woyww, Angela x6x