Hello everyone,

Happy Sunday!  I am once again slogging away in the garden trying to get as much done as possible in the overgrown jungle before the weather changes, so this is a scheduled post about my activities so far.

The apples are still on the tree!  So I’m hoping to start picking them some time next week weather permitting.

Last week, after digging all of this over, I mentioned I was changing my mind about putting grass seed down as it seemed like such a waste of effort, so instead, I put the veg beds back down and we will see if I end up growing anything there or whether the cats will think it’s just giant litter boxes!

I bought some nepeta/cat mint plants at a local nursery and I’m not sure who turned up first, the bees or the local cats!  Miss P and two of the neighbour cats made a beeline (pun intended) for the plants as soon as I sat them on the table.  Prior to that there were no cats in sight so the scent must be very strong for them!

This bee would not stay still to have his photo taken and kept buzzing around from flower to flower.

One of the cat mint obsessed neighbour cats enjoying his on the table.

Miss P enjoying nepeta at ground level.

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading!Ingredients
see above


Blog Along with Effy – Day 12
Links to all the days of the September blog-along
Sept 1st – UFOs Tapestry Cushion and Harris Tweed TBD
Sept 2nd – Second on the Second – e-reader covers
Sept 3rd – There is no enjoyment like reading
Sept 4th –  A Day in the Garden and UFO update
Sept 5th – Begin the Beguine
Sept 6th – She Sells Seashells on the Seashore
Sept 7th – Vintage Children Doing Vintage Things
Sept 8th – WOYWW Desk, Garden, Kitties, Kitchen and Blog Along One Week In
Sept 9th – August Reading List
Sept 10th – Sorry Not Sorry
Sept 11th – A Peek Inside the Fabric Stash
Sept 12th – this post

This month I decided to join in with Effy Wild’s blog-along – 30 posts in 30 days same as we did in April this year.  The idea is to blog every day if you can, but also to comment on other people’s blogs to keep the conversation going.  There is a facebook group where you can link your posts and find other people’s to go visit and comment.
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