Hello friends,

Happy Saturday!  Hope your weekend has some wonderful things in it.  Yesterday I mentioned it was raining, and today is the same.  I had to wear a raincoat for the first time in months.  A raincoat!!!  I guess that truly does signify the end of the lovely summery weather we have been enjoying for a while now.  It is officially Autumn and now we have drizzle and mist in the mornings.  It may be dull and wet outside but today I have a bright, happy journal spread to share with you today.  This page is inspired by the VINTAGE theme over on Art Journal Journey where this month’s lovely host is Wendy K.

It’s another fabric page!  I found this fabric the other day while looking for something else and decided to sacrifice a small part of it for my journal and snipped off these two panels.  This is a heavy linen canvas mix so it took a bit of gel medium to get it stuck to the page!

That’s how I left it to dry on Thursday night.  Then on Friday night I was wondering what to do with it, but was lacking inspiration, so I put it aside and started doing some lettering instead.  The funny thing is that I didn’t really plan to use this on the page because it was just a practice piece and the colours (purple and yellow) were all wrong for it but I cut it out anyway and thought I could maybe use it on something else.

Then when I laid it on top of the page I kinda liked it.

I used an orange and a turquoise Neocolor II to colour in the background on the left hand side and then I used some paint pens to draw pink and yellow daisies over the page.  I used black and white paint pens to draw some frames and outlines on the images on the fabric pieces.

So to finish off the page, I added the GROOVY BABY YEAH paper to the right hand page by one tiny drop of glue, just enough to hold it in place but I also wanted to be able to flip it up and see the figures whenever and not have them hidden.

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading!Ingredients
my handmade journal, watercolour paper, fabric, gel medium, glue, black pen, Pitt artist pens, acrylic paint pens, layout paper


Art Journal Journey – Vintage – September Challenge


Blog Along with Effy – Day 25
Links to all the days of the September blog-along
Sept 1st – UFOs Tapestry Cushion and Harris Tweed TBD
Sept 2nd – Second on the Second – e-reader covers
Sept 3rd – There is no enjoyment like reading
Sept 4th –  A Day in the Garden and UFO update
Sept 5th – Begin the Beguine
Sept 6th – She Sells Seashells on the Seashore
Sept 7th – Vintage Children Doing Vintage Things
Sept 8th – WOYWW Desk, Garden, Kitties, Kitchen and Blog Along One Week In
Sept 9th – August Reading List
Sept 10th – Sorry Not Sorry
Sept 11th – A Peek Inside The Fabric Stash
Sept 12th – Garden Catch-Up, Bees, Cats, Cat Mint
Sept 13th – Happy Roald Dahl Day!
Sept 14th – T Stands for Banana Bread
Sept 15th – WOYWW Arts & Crafts Storage
Sept 16th – The Cat Sat on Andy Warhol’s Mat
Sept 17th – Needles and Ribbons and Packets of Pins
Sept 18th – A Woman’s Work is Never Done
Sept 19th – Talk Like A Pirate – The RRRs of Recycling
Sept 20th – She Is an old soul with a vintage heart
Sept 21st – T Stands For Tweed, Model Kitty, and Decaf
Sept 22nd – I was ready for the roaring 20s
Sept 23rd – Hang the moon garland
Sept 24th – The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes
Sept 25th – this post

This month I decided to join in with Effy Wild’s blog-along – 30 posts in 30 days same as we did in April this year.  The idea is to blog every day if you can, but also to comment on other people’s blogs to keep the conversation going.  There is a facebook group where you can link your posts and find other people’s to go visit and comment.

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4 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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Michele Skinner
September 26, 2021 1:38 am

i adore the mod feel of this!! nice work!

Angela F
Angela F
September 26, 2021 1:09 am

How much fun was that! It looks very groovy and great work on your fabric pages.

Lisa Andruszkow
September 25, 2021 6:43 pm

That came out great!
Love the colors!!

Valerie -Jael
September 25, 2021 5:26 pm

Beautiful and unusual journal page with lovely colours. Thanks so much for linking to Wendy’s theme at AJJ. Have a great weekend, Valerie

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