Hello friends,
It’s been quite a day so this post is very late and I won’t be able to link up anything until tomorrow.  Today is Remembrance Day and also my nephew’s birthday, another reason to remember this day.  I’ve been having a bit of a rough time lately and so I decided I would join the Gratitude Junk Journal class that is happening this month and see if it would help me find something to be grateful for.

today’s art . . .

Today’s art is an art journal page inspired by Gwen LaFleur’s Day 8 lesson ( I started late so I am jumping around and this one appealed.) It is also my art for Day 11 of Art Every Day Month and for this week’s theme over on Rain’s Thursday Art Date, which this week is Soft. Water is soft so I think this fits the brief.

Mine looks nothing like the class project except that it has fish in it – can you even tell they are fish?  LOL I used a Koi fish stencil to make my fish, but I used it on top of some of these backgrounds and that is not how this stencil is supposed to be used so it’s a little weird and I had to do a lot of repair work to try and make it look acceptable.  There are layers and layers of paint and collage under all that blue but you wouldn’t know it!

The prompt was Grateful for water, so I pulled out all these watery looking gel prints I made back in March and thought they would work great for this page.  One thing I forgot though was that I had done a lot of watercolour experiments on the gel plate and so quite a few of these were watercolour which of course reacts with water and I made a lot of mess before I realised what was up!

It was all I could do to stop them all disappearing into the watery depths.

I ended up painting over my stencilled fish with some metallic watercolour that changes colour when the light hits it, so sometimes my fish look silver and sometimes they look pinky-blue. My journalling is all about the watery things I am grateful for.

If you missed any November AEDM posts so far, check them out in the slider below.

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading!Ingredients
my handmade journal, watercolour paper, gel prints, acrylic paint, metallic watercolours, Koi fish stencil, gesso, black pen, white pen, white paint, black paint,



Art Every Day MonthDay 11  

Rain’s Thursday Art Date – November 11th – Soft

You might also like these November posts days 1-10 . . .


6 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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Erika N
November 15, 2021 12:37 am

This is great Elle. I love the water theme and how you dealed with it. Oh the blue is fantastic, and I love the fish. Hope all is well with you. Hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia
November 13, 2021 8:36 am

We have a shop for those fish right around the corner (they won´t be happy here, though ;-)…)
I love water, beautiful colors and work.

November 12, 2021 10:45 pm

yes I can see fish. My first thought was Koi-fish or somethong like that- _=

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
November 12, 2021 9:06 pm

Yes, I could tell those were koi fish, Elle. This turned out great. I also forgot until it was late on Remembrance/Veterans Day to link to AEDM. I blame mine on the Covid booster I got, though.

November 12, 2021 7:46 pm

Lovely art!

Rain Frances
November 12, 2021 7:08 pm

Elle, you have a soft way of expressing yourself and you beautiful water painting is just that – beautiful. Of course I see the fish!!! 🙂 Well done!!! Love the blues!! 🙂

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