Hello friends!

Happy new week!  I am still trying to get ahead of myself a little bit and so I have a quick and easy one to share with you today.

today’s art . . .

Is a bit of doodling, mark making and collage fodder.   This is my offering for Day 15 of AEDM and we are now at the halfway mark.  I did this while watching an Australian show called Secrets and Lies, not sure how I missed this one but it’s pretty good so far and it was distracting me from my doodling so some of them are a bit wonky.
I meant to do some of this on the gel plate before I put it away but I forgot so I got out some pens and some layout paper and just did some random doodling, some mark making and wrote out some quotes I might want to use later on.

I also have this lovely piece of paper that I used to clean my brayer whilst making the Starry Night cards.  It looked a little dull while it was wet and I thought the white wouldn’t show up very well, but it’s turned out to be lovely and bright and I’m sure I can find a use for it.

Short and sweet today.  If you missed any November AEDM posts so far, check them out in the slider below.

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading!Ingredients
layout paper, Pitt artist brush pen, black paint pens, blackliner pens


Art Every Day Month – Day 15  

You might also like these November posts days 1-14 . . .


4 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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Alison Hall
November 15, 2021 10:30 pm

I love your doodles Elle. I always do some on tissue or brown paper when I have some black paint left on my palette, which is quite often!
I love your starry card too, it looks fabulous!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
November 15, 2021 10:17 pm

I’m definitely NOT a doodler, but I can appreciate what you have created today, dear.

Erika N
November 15, 2021 2:35 pm

It is fun to sometimes just doodle. I like your slightly wonky doodles. They are fun and I can’t wait to see what you use them on! Happy new week Elle. Hugs-Erika

Wendy K
November 15, 2021 11:42 am

Great doodling, I must do more. Not enough hours in the day.

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