Hello friends, and Happy Friday!

I am so late with things today so I will waste no time and get straight to it.  I am attempting to keep up with a few challenges this month – carving stamps for Carve December, joining #ArtJournalAdvent for 24 days, and also Kasia’s Care class for 14 days so that should be interesting. Anyway I’m sure I’ll work something out, meanwhile here is today’s art, posted later than planned…

today’s art . . .

Today’s art is two things because I am late getting started and because I am trying not to post more than once a day!  So firstly in order to get started with #artjournaladvent, we were supposed to make our own journals.  No problem as I usually make mine anyway but this time the journals were all more junky so I decided to play along and make mine out of some of the random papers I have lying around – I could really have made journals for everyone haha.

This is my journal cover.  I made it from an amazon box covered with this Christmas wrapping paper and this kitty postcard.  There is a story behind this of course…

My friend always sends beautifully decorated presents to me and this one from two Christmasses ago is no exception, and it made it all the way from NL to here with no damage, right up until it reached the UK courier and look what they did!  They slapped a big white label over the top of that lovely little postcard (at least I assumed it was lovely because I never got to see it!)  So I kept it for two years haha, and then today when I was wondering what to make my journal cover out of, I remembered this paper.

And here it is!  I used some water to get the label off and then some WD40 to get the rest of the adhesive off, and because my friend had covered the entire package in clear tape, the postcard is preserved!  I kept the HI sticker and the FRAGILE sticker because it reminded me of a cat’s head and so I drew in the missing ear on the left.  So now that my journal cover and pages were done, I could get on with Day 1 on Day 3 haha.

And here’s my page for Day 1.  I forgot to take photos of my pages before I added stuff to them but underneath on the left side is an old gel print now totally hidden under my printed wrapping paper, and on the right side some amazon brown paper packaging.  I found this stamped number 12 that would work for December, and then I used a Christmas tree from an old Royal Mail Christmas posting guide.  There is a piece of gel printed deli paper on the bottom left and I used this area for my journaling.

For my first stamp of the #CarveDecember2021 challenge I made this round stamp out of softcarve lino that says HAVE A COOL YULE and stamped it in purple Versafine Clair ink.  I finished off the page with some black stabilo mark making, drew some gold dots around the tree and then some white paint pen dots.

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading!Ingredients
my handmade junk journal, various paper scraps, gel prints, wrapping paper, magazines, deli paper etc, handmade stamp, Versafine Clair ink, black stabilo, white paint pen,


#ArtJournalAdventDay 1 Here & Now
Day 1 – the prompt for Day 1 is “lovely” but I’m not sure I will follow all the prompts.  My stamp doesn’t really fit today’s prompt.

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