Hello Friends and Happy Tuesday!

Hope you are having a great day that turns into a great week!  One of the kitties, Miss Lily, is a bit poorly at the moment, and we had to have an emergency vet appointment on Sunday evening.  She has had some medication and a check up appointment on Monday and is doing a bit better.  As I was on kitty-watch over the weekend, I made some journal pages to keep my hands and brain busy and off the worrying train, so you can find those below if you are interested, and there are links to the original posts.  I definitely had cats on my mind!

After mentioning the Virtual Art Summit last week, I realised that I should also have mentioned #MessyMay held by Get Messy Art Journaling just in case anyone was unaware of it and interested in checking it out.  Although we are getting towards the end of May, all the prompts and videos for all the days are listed on this page if you want to have a look and/or join in, catch up etc.  One of the daily prompt hosts is Kellee Wynne (Virtual Art Summit) which is what reminded me to mention it today,

today’s art . . .

Today’s art is twofold, the first is my finished 100 day project ATCs – Day 100 was yesterday!  I have done another little video on instagram, 55 seconds long.  It was slightly longer but there was an upload limit of 1 minute so I had to edit edit edit it down.  I don’t know what I am going to do with them yet so at the moment they are in a box, but I like the idea of framing them as one piece in rainbow order, we’ll see what happens when I have time to think more on it. . .


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The second thing to show you is everything I made during the last week, mostly at the weekend while I was looking after Miss Lily.  I didn’t want to leave her on her own but also needed something to occupy myself so I wouldn’t worry so much. So I made myself a little portable kit for art journalling and grabbed my journal that has/had some blank pages to be filled, and created some pages for Matilde’s theme over on Art Journal Journey. I put them all in this slider, just use the arrows to move to the next image.

If you want to see the posts in more detail just click the images below.

t stands for  . . .

…Earl Grey tea in my favourite mug and some of this homemade confectionery I made recently (it’s all gone now!)  My mum showed me how to make these when I was a kid and she called them “homemade Bounty Bars” and omitted the toasted coconut that is usually put on top of the chocolate layer but they are more traditionally known as Macaroons and they are a traditional Scottish sweet.  I have found them in some Scottish cookbooks including one that I bought recently which prompted me to make these again for nostalgic reasons.  Macaroons could not be more different to French Macarons by the way.  These are like a fondant covered in chocolate and rolled in toasted coconut.  I didn’t roll mine in coconut this time, so mine would be more like a Bounty Bar chocolate bar which is a sweet coconut confection covered in chocolate.  There is a Scottish sweet manufacturer called Lees’ who have been making Macaroon Bars since 1931 and they are very popular here.  The ones you buy in the shops look like this but sometimes when people make them at home they roll them into balls instead of bars.

The homemade ones are made slightly differently to the commercially made ones and traditionally are made with a very common and inexpensive ingredient that is found in every kitchen here and probably in most other kitchens elsewhere.  So what do you think the secret ingredient in this might be?  Hint: it’s a vegetable.  I’ve put the answer in the next photo in the slider, just click the arrow to see the answer.

Here’s a closer look at them…

Happy T Day!   I might be a little delayed with my commenting due to kitty-watch but I’ll try not to be.  As always, thanks for reading, and have a great week!

as mentioned above


Altered Book Lover – T Stands for


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16 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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May 30, 2022 11:04 am

Oh My! You have had a busy time! I have seen some of your journal pages but I think I am way behind on catching up! Pleased to read of an improvement in Miss Lily! Those coconut delights are almost too much for me to even look at – I can imagine how delicious they must be though! A very belated Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx

May 24, 2022 8:36 pm

I had no idea what was inside your treat but i did guess zucchini which was wrong.. bah! lol Hope your kitty is feeling better and i just LOVE all your art.. Art does help doesn’t it?! I sketched up a storm while hubby was having and recovering from heart surgery a few years ago.. Happy T day ! Hugs! deb

Iris Flavia
May 24, 2022 7:20 pm

Hope you patient is all better!
Love all your cat-work and those hands are too cool.
Oh, Bounty. The stuff you can buy in the store is so sweet it makes me gag! Nothing like a real coconut, which I love and have not had in ages!
Potato?! Who´d ever think of that.
To a happy T-Day and great week xx

Divers and Sundry
May 24, 2022 6:42 pm

I’m glad you could get kitty in to see the vet and that she is doing better. That’s so scary 🙁

100 days sounds like a real challenge. Happy T Tuesday!

Kate Yetter
May 24, 2022 5:03 pm

Sorry to hear that your cat is not feeling well but I am sure you are spoiling her with love.
I love the idea of framing your tweed project. It would look amazing in rainbow order.
Your bounty bars look delicious. I have had Mounds bars and I really like them. Who would of thought to put that ingredient in a candy bar. Potatoes certainly are versatile.
Happy Tea Day,

May 24, 2022 4:33 pm

Your ATCs are amazing. I wanted to reach out and pet them. Poor Miss Lily, I hope she’s feeling better. Looking at your art journal was fun. Nope, you weren’t thinking about kitties at all. ? The candy sounds delicious and I never would have guess mashed potatoes as an ingredient. Happy T Day

May 24, 2022 4:32 pm

Hi Elle. What a lovely post. Except the part about your cat. I hope all is well now. I loved seeing the video and all the photos. You have been so busy. Have a lovely day.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
May 24, 2022 3:55 pm

Sorry, I am not on Instagram, so can’t view the video. Seems you MUST have a cell phone in order to be on Instagram. And I don’t have one.

I hope by now Miss Lily is much better.

Saw the birds and cats this week and was glad to see them all together.

I love your kitty and fish mug. It is cute and funky. I was surprised to learn the secret ingredient in the chocolate bar. Thanks for sharing your lovely art and your tea and chocolate bars with us for T this Tuesday, Elle.

Linda K
May 24, 2022 3:32 pm

aw, poor kitty. I do hope she gets much better real soon.
Your journal pages are so charming and sweet- just delightful. And hooray for completing the 100 day project!!! That’s just a bit too long for me to keep my interest. Love seeing all those tweeds and patterns! I did see the messy May challenge but just haven’t gotten to that either.
And oh my, those Bounty bars look absolutely delicious! Wishing you a good week ahead, and happy T day!

Erika N
May 24, 2022 1:24 pm

Glad to hear Miss Lily is on the improve and hopefully she stays that way. And congrats on completing a 100 day project. That takes a lot of commitment. And those home made Bounty bars sure look yummy. I love coconut and chocolate. Cut mug too, and I was trying to see what book you had out. Smile. Have a great T day and week ahead. Hugs-Erika

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