Hello Friends and Happy Tuesday a little later than usual!

Hope you are having a great day that turns into a great week!  I’m happy to report that Miss Lily, is feeling a lot better.  Whatever that was, we don’t know, but the vet seemed to think it was some kind of infection due to her symptoms and temperature.  Nine days of vomiting and loose stools is a lot for anyone especially a small kitty like Miss Lily 🙁  Here she is having a nap in her little furry bed which is very close to where I am now so I can keep an eye on her.

And here’s a photo of her brother Mr G who btw has a terrible bedside manner and had to be put in solitary for a few days while she was sick. I imagine the last thing you want when you are a sick kitty, is a giant cat, twice your size, hissing at you and following you around everywhere, so they had to be separated.  As you can see today, they are both sleeping in the cat trees – Miss Lily on the left and Mr G glaring at me on the right.  He really doesn’t appreciate the paparazzi lol.

today’s art . . .

Today I have a journal flip-through to share as I was finally able to complete, not one but two journals and get them bound.  So this week I am sharing the first one and I will share the second one next week when I get the photos edited.  Anyone should be able to watch the instagram video below on a computer without logging in, as that’s how I do it, but in case of any problems, here is a link to watch it on Canva. It will take a grand total of 12.5 seconds of your life to watch it 🙂 I like short videos best!


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If you are wondering what my journal cover is made from, it’s this recycled Christmas gift bag. 

I couldn’t resist saving it for this purpose.  As soon as I saw it I knew it would make a great cover.  It’s just taken me this long to get around to finishing the journal and getting the cover done.

t stands for  . . .

…a new mug!  Like I need a new mug, right, but hey ho, I have one anyway.  I think I like it though, it’s dark blue ceramic with a light blue inside and a wooden handle.  It has a ceramic infuser/strainer and a ceramic lid to either use as a saucer for the infuser, or to put on your mug to help keep your tea warm.  The tea in the photo is called Caramel Cream and in addition to various botanicals, also includes little caramel chocolate drops which naturally melt into the tea.  Also featured in this photo are some of the Anzac biscuits/cookies I made at the weekend, as I was feeling the stress about Miss Lily and needed to stuff my face with biscuits  to keep it at bay lol.  Anzac biscuits are traditionally made for Anzac day but that was in April and I just like to eat these whenever.

How many of you guessed that the secret ingredient in the Macaroons last week was POTATO?  It is pretty much equal amounts of mashed potato and icing sugar rolled into a fondant and then covered in chocolate and rolled in toasted coconut.  It’s very important that the potatoes are mashed and not blended or whipped in any way as that would release too much starch and you would end up with gloopy potatoes instead of fondant.

Happy T Day!   As always, thanks for reading, and have a great week!

as mentioned above


Altered Book Lover – T Stands for


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17 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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Bleubeard and Elizabeth
June 1, 2022 10:35 am

I had planned to write sooner, then realized my keyboard was blinking. That meant my battery needed to be recharged. I normally have more charged, but for the life of me, I couldn’t find a single one, charged or not charged. Time to replenish, I guess.I had to wait until the last minute to pull the charger, so I could link the AJJ admins.

I tried to get your video to pause, but it kept going. I didn’t watch it on Instagram, so that may have been why it didn’t stop for me.

You need to tell the post office you need an INTERNATIONAL 1st class stamp for 1 ounce (if you use ounces). Use a regular envelope, not a padded on like you used before. I found this when I looked online:

They also have special stamps like from Queen, Star Trek, National Parks and lots more. When Chris sent one last year, postage was 1.52 lbs. Sorry I don’t have your lb sign on my computer keyboard.

So glad Miss Lily is doing better. I know that is a relief to you.Mr. G doesn’t look too happy, though.

I love your new mug. It is beautiful and has everything you need to make a great cup of tea and keep it hot, too. Thanks for sharing Miss Lily’s progress and your new mug with us for T this Tuesday, dear Elle.

Sharon Madson
Sharon Madson
June 1, 2022 1:22 am

Poor Miss Lily. I am glad she is getting better. Your caramel tea and cookies sound like my kind of treat. Happy T Day.

Jo - Let's Art Journal
May 31, 2022 9:12 pm

So glad Miss Lily is feeling better, she must be tired out being so ill. I’m glad you could keep an eye on her and help her recover ?. Mr. G doesn’t look very happy about the photo …ha, ha! Loving the journal and your video was fab and I’d love to try those macaroons with my cuppa – happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

May 31, 2022 7:04 pm

How cool is that about the potatoes!! I wish i could have slowed down your journal flip. I would have loved to see it better.. Maybe there was a way but i did not see it.. And Lily and Mr. G.. I’m sure i’ve said it before but they remind me so much of my Jinxy who has passed a few years ago now.. He was black with a red undercoat when he laid in the sun.. Happy happy T day! Hugs ! deb

May 31, 2022 6:13 pm

I’m so glad Miss Lily is feeling better.
Your journal flip was very fast. Any way of slowing it down? But what I saw was great.
Nice new mug plus cover. I like that colour blue. Melted chocolate in the tea… that sounds heavenly!
Happy T-Day,

Iris Flavia
May 31, 2022 6:01 pm

Glad Miss Lily is better! And wow to that Christmas bag. And your video. When you say short you mean short, LOL.
Great mug, never saw one with a wooden handle!
Happy T-Day to you xx

Erika N
May 31, 2022 5:06 pm

Good news on the kitty front is nice to hear. And I get the stress. But hurrah for getting some art accomplished, and making biscuits, even if you ate a lot of them. If it helps, it helps. Have a great T day Elle. Hugs-Erika

May 31, 2022 4:37 pm

Interesting about using potatoes to make candy. Only mashing potato without messing up the starch is also good for making really nice mashed potatoes, though some like them over-mashed, with the starch released.

Good luck with kitty’s health.

best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

May 31, 2022 4:26 pm

Hi Elle. I can’t imagine potato in the cookies, but I will give it a try, I neede to taste it for myself! Glad Miss Lily is feeling better, but Mr G does look rather irritated. Perhaps he’s jealous because Lily got more attention? Or is he always like that? Your journal is wonderful, thanks for showing the flip through. Enjoy your tea and cookies, hugs, Valerie

May 31, 2022 3:24 pm

Good morning, your journal is amazing-I enjoyed the video thanks. wow that is allot of days for your poor kitty to be ill glad she is feeling better now.
always room in the cupboard for one more mug-that’s what I tell myself haha Happy t

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