Hello Friends and Happy Tuesday!

Hope you are having a great day that turns into a great week!  It’s been raining non-stop for what seems like weeks now, the garden loves it but me, not so much! However since my back is playing up I can’t really be doing anything outside anyway and so I spent most of the weekend horizontal and immersed in the Get Messy Open Weekend.  I felt really inspired but also incapable of getting up to do anything about it lol.

today’s art . . .

is my Day 14 offering for ICAD 2022 since today is the 14th, as well as being my weekly catch up for ICAD.  If you missed the first seven days you can see that post here. This year I am attempting to stick to the daily prompts and then have a little theme of my own – you just might be able to work it out. 🙂  I know a few of you are ICADing, but let me know in the comments if you are, just in case I missed you, and I will pop over.

ICAD Day 14 – Mood Board
Today’s prompt is mood board and I instantly wanted to made a kitty mood board!  From left to right I think they are happy, scared, sad, grumpy, cool, and confused, but what do you think?  Let me know in the comments!

[edit]  oh nearly forgot, I have more “art” because I also have this birthday card I made for my friend and since there seems to be a lot of cats in this post, why not show it too!  The full post is here if you want to check it out.

icad CATch-up  . . .

Here’s a quick look at Days 1-7.  The full Days 1-7 post is >>here<< if you want to take a look.

… and Days 8-14 are below…  Note the Dreamies packet in the middle ICAD, more about Dreamies further down!

Or if you like, you can scroll through Days 8-14 one by one in the slider below.  Do you have a favourite?  I think mine are the grey cats from day 1, the “look at the flowers” kitties from day 2, and maybe the mood board kitties from day 14.


kitty update . . .

The kitties got a new toy yesterday.  So far only Mr G and Miss Lily have inspected it and possibly are treating it with disdain after only 5 whole minutes.  We will see how Miss P responds to it tonight.

It’s basically tissue paper grass.  It comes “flat packed” and you have to open it up and spread it out into a mat.  Reviews were mixed but I thought it was worth trying as it was about £6.99 for two.  Yes that is basically £6.99 for a packet of tissue paper cut into a fancy shape but the things we do to make them happy lol.

Miss Lily says:  this is fake!   I can’t fool them with fake grass haha.  They were totally not interested until I started throwing Dreamies (crack for cats) into the middle of it, then it became more of a fun game for them but there is a limit to the number of Dreamies they are allowed in one day so when the Dreamies were all found, they went off and did something less boring instead. LOL

garden update . . .

The garden was doing OK until it started raining and forgot to stop and that coincided with me hurting my back so literally “rain stops play” as far as gardening is concerned.  Here is a photo of the strawberry patch before all the rain.  They were looking promising, just in need of a little sun to ripen them up and turn them from very green to very red.


t stands for  . . .

A new coffee machine!  I might be out of the loop as to how much these things cost but OMG they are expensive.  However, this was given to me so I didn’t pay the megabucks it cost and I actually never would pay that much for an appliance that only makes coffee. (I could have bought 100 cat toys for the price of this thing!)  But still, I thought after 14 months of not drinking coffee, I would set it up and give it a go.  Twenty minutes later, it was ready to use.

Since I haven’t drunk any coffee for so long, I didn’t have any decaf beans so I used some ground coffee that was a number 3 (mild) but not decaf.  Normally I would drink it black but since I haven’t had any for so long, I didn’t know how it would sit in my stomach, which was empty as I was just making breakfast, so I decided to drop some almond milk in it.

And since it’s been even longer since I needed to put any kind of milk in my coffee, I didn’t have the stuff that works in coffee, so of course, it separated and did not look at all appealing.  Needless to say, I didn’t drink it. So I have not yet returned to the dark side!  I will buy some decaf beans next time I got to the supermarket and try again.

Happy T Day!   As always, thanks for reading, and have a great week!

as mentioned above


Altered Book Lover – T Stands for


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21 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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June 22, 2022 10:14 pm

I was sure I left a comment ! I love your ICADs. Mr G and Miss Lily are good at hard stares aren’t they. I hope they begin to enjoy their new toy! Our coffee machine has stopped working so we’re back to instant! Belated (now) Happy T Day, Chrisx

Alison Hall
June 15, 2022 5:16 pm

A great post Elle, love all your cat ICADs. The fake grass made me smile, lol!

June 15, 2022 4:14 pm

Yes, the price of those coffee machines is eye watering! And that for something that will be used once a day. I have a Senseo machine (coffee pads) and a separate frother. I use soya milk in my frother. But hubby has a ‘beans-to-cup’ machine and he prefers that. I hope you get to grips with your machine as soon as you buy fresh beans. You won’t know yourself.
I love your cat art. So sweet.
Your strawberries are looking fab. I hope nobody else eats them (I’m thinking birds or other critters).
The new cat toy is interesting. Spray it with catnip and they’ll be rolling in it.
Happy belated T-Day,

June 15, 2022 9:27 am

Glad you are enjoying life on the dark side! I wouldn’t drink curdled milk, either, it’s rather disgusting. Hugs to you and the kitties, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
June 15, 2022 3:22 am

Been without electricity since about 6:30 pm yesterday. Never so glad to get my AC and internet back.

I went to check out your first ICADs, but didn’t leave a comment, I loved the flamingo. Obviously Key to my heart is so true. Loved them all, but those were so fun.

Sorry the cats weren’t taken by the fake grass. I can tell you, mine wouldn’t be either. However, they would have torn it to shreds in about six minutes.

I am in AWE of that coffee maker. I would have ground coffee beans and tried it right away. You are so lucky to have it given to you. Thanks for sharing your ICADs, the fake grass, and your new coffee maker with us for T this Tuesday, dear Elle.

Erika N
June 15, 2022 1:27 am

So sorry to hear about your back Elle. Back issues are not fun. But I do love how you are drawing your ICADS, They look great. And I love the kitty theme you chose. I’ve never seen paper cat grass either. I hope the kitties eventually like it. And that is quite the coffee machine. I’m not a coffee drinker so I’m not familiar with these machines, but I bet if you like coffee you can have some great cups with it. Have a super T day Elle. And happy week ahead. Hugs-Erika

June 15, 2022 1:07 am

Love your ICADs…and your kitties!! They are beautiful.

Kate Yetter
June 14, 2022 11:31 pm

You certainly love cats! It looks like you are having fun making all that cat themed art.
The coffee machine looks very fancy. I too would never pay the price for such fancy gadgets but I know people who do. Enjoy it!
Happy Tea Day,

Carola Bartz
June 14, 2022 9:50 pm

Your cat cards are fantastic – I love them. The way you draw cats really shows their personality. I also love your cat mug, how fun! Fancy coffee maker, I wouldn’t mind one since I love coffee. However, that milk in it doesn’t look appetizing at all.

Jo - Let's Art Journal
June 14, 2022 8:42 pm

Hope your back is better soon! Loving all your artwork and your cats look adorable ?. Take care and wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

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