Hello friends!

Happy Tuesday!  Well I am running a bit behind schedule this week due to trying to get things done in the garden while the weather is cooperating. So in between rain showers and cold winds, we are running around trying to get all the little jobs that we didn’t get done this summer, done now before it gets too cold.  This will be a very quick post as I’m completely exhausted so let’s get started…


Currently Reading . . .

Fair Warning

I have just started my 15th book for September and so far so good.  There’s a longer gap between the books in this series than there is with Bosch so it takes me a bit longer to get into series and remember who’s who and what’s what. I will finish this before the end of September though and that will be more than enough books for one month!

Jack McEvoy is a reporter with a track record in finding killers. But he’s never been accused of being one himself.
Jack went on one date with Tina Portrero. The next thing he knows, the police are at his house telling Jack he’s a suspect in her murder.
Maybe it’s because he doesn’t like being accused of a crime he didn’t commit. Or maybe it’s because the method of her murder is so chilling that he can’t get it out of his head.
But as he uses his journalistic skills to open doors closed to the police, Jack walks a thin line between suspect and detective – between investigation and obsession – on the trail of a killer who knows his victims better than they know themselves…


September Books
1. Katherine Arden – The Girl in the Tower – Winternight Trilogy #2
2. Katherine Arden – The Winter of the Witch – Winternight Trilogy #3
3. Austin Kleon – Steal Like an Artist (reread)
4. Austin Kleon – Show Your Work (reread)
5. Austin Kleon – Keep Going (reread)
6. Billy Connolly – Windswept and Interesting (Sir Billy’s autobiography)
7. Anna Mason – The Modern Flower Painter
8. Richard Osman – The Bullet That Missed – Thursday Murder Club #3
9. The Haunting Season – Bridget Collins et al (short story collection)
10. Kate Quinn – The Rose Code
11. Anna Burns – Milkman (Booker Prize Winner)
12. Jodi Taylor – Another Time, Another Place – Chronicles of St Mary’s #12
13. Jodi Taylor – A Catalogue of Catastrophe – Chronicles of St Mary’s #13
14. Michael Connelly – The Law of Innocence – Mickey Haller #6
15. Michael Connelly – Fair Warning – Jack McEvoy #3

Today’s Art . . .

Today’s art is something I made for Neet’s theme this month on Art Journal Journey and as I promised the other day in this post, it is something other than a cat!
It’s a fox!

I realise this photo gives you no idea of scale but it is the same size I use for all my journal pages – 9.5 x 12.5 inch watercolour paper.  The fox is a combination of watercolour with coloured pencils on top.

T Stands For . . .

Decaffeinated Earl Grey?
I’m not sure how I feel about this.  I drink decaf tea all the time, but not sure if this would affect the taste in a significant way, and I am quite fussy about my Earl Grey.

And finally, here’s an unusual sight – a cat in a box!  Miss Lily has managed to fit herself into this shoebox and has decided it’s a great new place to sleep!

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading and have a fabulous day!


Altered Book Lover – T Stands for
Art Journal JourneyFur/Feathers


18 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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September 29, 2022 3:31 pm

Your fox has beautiful eyes. Yeah, I’m not fond of decaf after I learned that formaldehyde is used in the process. Miss Lily looks cute and cozy. Happy T Day

September 28, 2022 5:03 pm

Great list of books. I have read several Michael Connelly, but not that one.
From your reading list, the only one I have read is the Rose Code, and I thought that was one of the best books I head read for a while.
Your fox is great and your Miss Lily is gorgeous.
Happy T-Day,

Nancy W.
September 28, 2022 10:34 am

I love the author and the book sound very good – I am adding it to my reading list. 15 books – wow. I have done 5 which is low for me but I could only get 15 if I took the whole month off or were sick in bed for some reason. Impressive plus the list is impressive too.

Love the fox – very cool fur technique and the eyes are sooooo well done.

The cat in the box is super fun. You need to do a drawing of that!

I agree with you on the Earl Grey – save the decaf for other types of tea.

Happy T-day, Elle. Hugz

Neet Hickson
September 28, 2022 9:11 am

Cats are so funny, they will squeeze into the most unlikely places. Miss Lily has obviously channeled her inner Daniel Browning Smith (American contortionist) to get into a shoe box. I have a photo of my Princess Tabs somewhere and she is sitting in a carrier bag on top of a very high cupboard, peeking out where the handles are. I do miss her.
Anyway, your fox picture – what a beauty it is. I love the way you have coloured him in. And those eyes are magnetising. What a great page in your journal.
Thanks for another brilliant page Elle.
Hugs, Neet xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
September 28, 2022 2:09 am

I love the fox. It is adorable and really perfect for AJJ. Thank you for sharing this impressive entry with us using Neet’s theme at Art Journal Journey.

I don’t care for any decaf tea, so I would not care for it, I’m sure. Sounds like you are a bit fussy, too.

It took me awhile to find the cat in the box. Miss Lily hides well. For some reason, neither of my boys like boxes, but they both love hiding in paper bags.

Your latest mystery sounds good. Connelly is a machine putting out more than any other author I know.

Thanks for sharing your latest book, your adorable fox, your team and Miss Lily in the box with us for T this Tuesday, dear Elle.

Foxy stamping-Sharon
Foxy stamping-Sharon
September 28, 2022 1:46 am

Elle, I love that artwork! Wow! I love Earl Grey tea. Happy T Day!

Kate Yetter
September 28, 2022 12:49 am

I love herbal tea as it is naturally decaffeinated but I agree, I wonder if caffeinated turned de-caffeinated tea tastes different.
Love the fox! The eyes are fabulous. I am always fascinated by the watercolor/colored pencil combination. I guess I need to watch some tutorials.
Happy Tea Day,

Erika N
September 28, 2022 12:44 am

I am impressed with 15 books. This hasn’t been a big reading month for me, and I want to know what is making you read so much. Smile. Whatever it is it must feel good to finish so many volumes. And I love Mr. Fox. He is very very handsome. Those eyes look like it is a real fox looking out at me. He is perfect for Neet’s challenge so thank you for joining us at AJJ. And what is it about cats in boxes? Whatever it is, it is always fun to see them peering out. Have a wonderful rest of your week, and I hope it was a happy T day too. hugs-Erika

September 27, 2022 10:36 pm

I have had foxes on my mind lately, reading about the arctic fox and its life in Iceland. They also live in other parts of the Arctic. I also like to see things about the fox species that we have in North America. Nice animals, good that you painted the image.

best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Jo - Let's Art Journal
September 27, 2022 10:27 pm

Wow, your Fox is so beautiful with those amazing green eyes – they are memorising! I’d happily join you for a cuppa today, the weather here is turning colder so it would be very welcome ?. How cute is Miss Lily in her box, I bet she loves her new hidy place. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x
p.s. got your email thanks – perfect! x

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