Hi Friends,

Happy Sunday everyone!  Hope you are having a great weekend so far.  I try to stay offline as much as possible on the weekend so this is scheduled and I will catch up on visiting all your lovely projects from Monday onwards.

My page today was based on the Snow Queen prompt from the daily prompt list. I made a special journal for this month and I am trying to work through the prompts in order and also not to skip any pages in my journal – so far so good and my pages are still all in order.  So this one is the facing page for yesterday’s page – True Love’s Kiss.

Today’s Art . . .

Today’s art is a page using my Day 9 prompt:  Snow Queen

For this page, I thought to use some of the same paper pack as I did for once upon a time because of the wintery feel, but as I started painting the background to blend in with the paper, I had a different thought, and ended up painting the whole page in this dark blue watercolour.  Then I used a stencil with some white glitter paste to go around my focal point which was this woman I cut out of an old catalogue.  She already looked cool and blue but I added to that by painting her with metallic watercolours in blue, white and gold…
Then when she was dry, I added detail to her dress and crown with white and gold pens and gave her a cool white glove and bracelet.  To finish up I wrote this quote from the Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen.

Hope you feel inspired to join in the challenge this month and have fun with it!  Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading!

my handmade journal, watercolour paper, metallic watercolour, white pen, gold pen, magazine image, glue, stencil, white glitter paste,


Art Journal JourneyFairytales, Folklore & Fables

Daily Prompts

Here are the prompts I will be using and you can probably tell that a lot of them are related to fairytales, but you don’t have to use them that way or you don’t have to use them at all.  I will be attempting all 31 days but I may not make it and that’s OK too.  The prompts are there if you feel stuck or in need of extra inspiration.   I just respond well to a daily prompt and I will also be sharing my pages on Instagram.  If you share your work on Instagram there is a hashtag.  Please note, that to enter the Art Journal Journey challenge using the Mr Linky tool, you will have to link from a blog since it is a blog challenge.

Or you can ignore the daily prompts completely and focus on the overarching theme for the month.  The daily prompts are there if you want to make more pages but need some extra prompting.

8 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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Sharon Fritchman
October 14, 2022 6:22 pm

I LOVE your daily prompts, Elle! That is such a wonderful way to do your challenge. And your snow queen is absolutely beautiful!

October 12, 2022 11:18 pm

This is so beautiful Elle, I love the way you dressed he! Hugs, Chrisx

Alison Hall
October 12, 2022 7:46 pm

Your Snow Queen is stunning Elle, and I love the background you created.

October 12, 2022 3:04 pm

What a beautiful snow queen! The blues you chose do feel quite frosty.

October 12, 2022 10:51 am

Love this one Elle. The colours are fab!

Iris Flavia
October 11, 2022 4:24 pm

This is beautiful! And clever.
And yet I hope for no snow 😉
Ingo has to drive nearly 40km one way to work, yo… dangerous!

Erika N
October 10, 2022 12:30 am

I love this page Elle. It is really beautiful. The texture in the background works perfectly with your lovely lady. I may not be following your list of prompts day to day, but I am “stealing” some of your ideas for pages. Hope you had a nice weekend. And happy new week. hugs-Erika

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