Hi Friends,

Happy Friday everyone.  I still haven’t been online much this week due to busy-ness but I did get some art done…

Today’s Art . . .

Today’s art is a page using my Day 12 & 13 prompts:  The Green Man and HEA

My daily prompt for Day 12 was Green Man.  The Green Man is a figure generally associated with rebirth and in particular Spring, but as I sat down to work on this page, my idea for the green man turned into a green WOMAN, and why not!
I sketched this last night while watching Netflix on the sofa, using Pitt pens over a page that had a big green acrylic ink splotch in the middle of it.  As I worked on it, I did have plans to add other colours but it just didn’t happen and so everything on the page (apart from the lights in her eyes) is GREEN!

My daily prompt for day 13 is HEA or happily ever after, and for that prompt I felt inspired to write something about making yourself happy now and not waiting for the HEA, on top of the leafy background.

In the background is a “bookazine” I picked up recently, called A History of Folklore, Fairytales and Monsters.  I thought it was meant to be when I spotted it in the newsagents, given that my theme was about to start, and then I put it somewhere safe and promptly forgot all about its existence lol.  Found it now though 🙂

Hope you feel inspired to join in the challenge this month and have fun with it!

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading!

my handmade journal, watercolour paper, watercolour, Polychromos, acrylic,


Art Journal JourneyFairytales, Folklore & Fables

Daily Prompts

Here are the prompts I will be using and you can probably tell that a lot of them are related to fairytales, but you don’t have to use them that way or you don’t have to use them at all.  I will be attempting all 31 days but I may not make it and that’s OK too.  The prompts are there if you feel stuck or in need of extra inspiration.   I just respond well to a daily prompt and I will also be sharing my pages on Instagram.  If you share your work on Instagram there is a hashtag.  Please note, that to enter the Art Journal Journey challenge using the Mr Linky tool, you will have to link from a blog since it is a blog challenge.

Or you can ignore the daily prompts completely and focus on the overarching theme for the month.  The daily prompts are there if you want to make more pages but need some extra prompting.

9 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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Bleubeard and Elizabeth
October 24, 2022 7:23 am

I can’t believe how far behind I am. I was sure I left a comment on the Green (wo)Man. This turned out great. I love her ears.

October 18, 2022 4:12 pm

I love your little green woman! It’s really quite cool that the whole page is in shades of green n

October 16, 2022 11:43 pm

I love your Green Woman- I have a green man coming up soon! I look for them in church carvings. Hugs, Chrisx

Erika N
October 15, 2022 2:17 pm

It takes a while to get to that make yourself happy now point in life, doesn’t it? At least I think so. I still have days I struggle with chores versus doing something that would make me happier. OK, here in New England that Puritan work ethic is pretty inbred. Enough said. I am loving your pretty green lady for AJJ. She is perfect. I have a green man stamp which I stamped and now need to finish a page around. Happy weekend Elle. Have a good one. Hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia
October 15, 2022 5:06 am

(S)he is beautiful!!! I never heard of those tools and no, don´t tell me, I have enough already 😉
The quote is great, too! We should really live like this.
My happiness today: despite snuggling up to Hubby we got up early and will soon be off to the market. In the dark. LOL. Some kind of happiness 😉 xx
Thank you for this theme, I´ll join when my mind gives me a push!

Sharon Fritchman
October 14, 2022 6:23 pm

I love your green woman! She is absolutely beautiful!! And I especially like the message of making your own happiness!

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