Hi Friends!

Last night I sat down and watched some of the Domestika classes I purchased a while back.  Note that I said “watched some”, not “did some”, as I was watching on the computer while I did something else. But at least I made a start on watching the classes which is more than I did with them last year because I keep forgetting they exist, like so many other digital things.  In last week’s T post Kate mentioned she had six Domestika classes unfinished and I told her I had three unfinished, but when I logged in, I found I actually had six too, so it was a good prompt to make a start on them. I purchased them for a reason for as long as they sit there unfinished, I won’t achieve very much!

Today’s Art . . .

Today’s art is my February calendar page, which I am also linking to this month’s challenge over on Art Journal Journey where Erika’s theme is “seeing red”.  Red is always a challenge for me as it’s a colour that I don’t care for and tend to avoid.  However, this year in particular, I am wearing red every day and trying to incorporate it a bit more in my art.  Why is this you ask?  Well it’s because of the year of the rabbit and myself being a rabbit, so wearing red is recommended to keep all the bad luck at bay.  Red underwear and red socks are recommended, I also have red tartan PJs, and a red friendship bracelet that I can wear every day. Just to be on the safe side and not anger the god of aging!  I’m not taking any chances!

This page took a couple of hours despite it being quite simple but then I was doing two things at once. This is an old Leuchtturm1917 dot grid notebook so it was easy to mark out the squares for each day, and once that was done I started adding colour.  I did plan to do it all red but it was becoming too much for me so I did the rest of the page in chartreuse.   I used Tombow markers for the colouring and then when I was finished with all the colouring, I used some origami paper to add some collage.
This first rabbit looked like a pig until I started colouring it.  Happily I think it’s recognisably a bunny now!

I did better with this rabbit looking more rabbity.  I had enough space to write YEAR OF THE RABBIT down the side of the page.

This rabbit needs a bit more TLC and as this is a recycled journal, some of the old text is showing through the page right on his face poor guy.  I used a circle punch to cut some of the origami paper but tore other bits into strips.  I also found some vellum with gold characters printed on it in my stash so I tore up some of that too and added it to the page.

I added more origami paper to the page and to the name of the month.  Then started doodling with a gold pen.

Oh and here is my completed January page.  I did manage to complete it so that was good, though that is not my main journal, I think it will be handy to be able to see a month at a glance.

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading!


A4 Leuchtturm1917 dot grid, tombow markers, origami paper, glue, black fineliner, gold pen, gold printed vellum,


Art Journal Journey Seeing Red

5 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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February 6, 2023 10:56 pm

Wow! What a fabulous page Elle. I adore those rabbits. Thanks so much for sharing at AJJ and Erika’s ‘Red’ theme, hugs, Chrisx

February 5, 2023 5:23 pm

very sweet the Calendar !!!
Have a beautiful new week, hug Elke

Erika N
February 5, 2023 1:53 pm

Like you I don’t use red all that often, but it is fun to add it on occasion. I like the idea of wearing red to keep the aging gods away…or does that only count if you are a rabbit? I’m a rat, which is NOT an animal I want to be so I just read the description of traits and forget the rat part. Smile. I am loving your calendar. Your rabbits are amazing, and I love how you added some of the flowered paper in bits, especially around the letters. What a fun calendar. And it is a great used of red too. Thanks so much for sharing it with us at AJJ for my Seeing Red challenge. Hope it’s been a nice weekend and you have a great start to the new week. hugs-Erika

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
February 5, 2023 1:10 am

Like Alison (Craftytrog) and Chris (pearshapedchris), you have put my calendar pages to shame. This is an amazing spread and the rabbits are adorable. You also used a LOT of red, which is perfect for Erika’s theme at AJJ, too!! Thanks for this amazing calendar for February, dear Elle.

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