Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope you are having a good week. I’m hoping that Spring is just around the corner, but so far it is still so very cold.

I took this photo a few nights ago, there was a very thin sliver of a moon but my camera couldn’t pick it up sharply and made it look almost like a half moon instead.  Interesting photo, makes me think of a scene from Harry Potter for some reason.  According to earthsky.org the two bright “stars” on either side of the moon, are Jupiter and Venus.

Also, I found the snowdrops!  They are growing under the hedge and have spread into my neighbour’s garden.

Today’s Art . . .

Today’s art is the catch up for the first seven days of the 100 day project.  My “project” is a KISS (keep it simple stupid) project to make sure I can do it easily every day and complete it.

I am creating ATCs using 100 different fabrics (from my stash), stitching and of course, drawing 100 cats!  Here is a very short (21 secs) video showing a close up of each.

eotc 100 days 1-7 by EOTC


Currently Reading . . .

book cover of Exiles

I’m currently reading this book by Australian author Jay Kristoff.  He mostly writes young adult fantasy and sci fi, and some that are not YA.  This book is 736 pages long and in audio, over 27 hours – it’s a beast of a book!   It’s my 18th book for February and I might have managed one or two more if I had not decided to start this beast lol.  BLURB:  It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise.  Ever since, vampires have waged war against humanity building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own. Gabriel de León, half man, half monster, and last remaining silversaint – a sworn brother of the holy Silver Order dedicated to defending the realm from the creatures of the night – is all that stands between the world and its end.  Imprisoned by the very monsters he has vowed to destroy Gabriel is forced to tell his story – a story of legendary battles and forbidden love, of faith lost and friendships won, of the War of the Blood and the Forever King and the quest for humanity’s last remaining hope:  The Holy Grail.

TOTAL for 2023
31 books


14.  Nick Louth – The Body in the Snow – DCI Craig Gillard #4  :star: :star:  :star:  :star:
15.  Nick Louth – The Body under the Bridge – DCI Craig Gillard #5  :star: :star:  :star:  :star:
16.  Nick Louth – The Body on the Island – DCI Craig Gillard #6  :star: :star:  :star:  :star:
17.  Nick Louth – The Bodies at Westgrave Hall – DCI Craig Gillard #7  :star: :star:  :star:  :star:
18.  Nick Louth – The Body on the Moor – DCI Craig Gillard #8  :star: :star:  :star:  :star:
19.  Nick Louth – The Body Beneath the Willows – DCI Craig Gillard #9  :star: :star:  :star:
20.  Nick Louth – The Body in the Stairwell – DCI Craig Gillard #10  :star: :star:  :star:
21.  Jane Harper – Exiles  :star: :star:  :star:  :star: :starhalf:
22.  Geoffrey McGeachin – The Diggers Rest Hotel – Charlie Berlin #1 2010  :star: :star:  :star:  :star:
23.  Geoffrey McGeachin – Blackwattle Creek – Charlie Berlin #2 2012 :star: :star:  :star:  :star:
24.  Geoffrey McGeachin – St Kilda Blues – Charlie Berlin #3 2014   :star:  :star:  :star:  :star:
25.  Caimh McDonnell – The Man With One of Those Faces – Dublin #1 :star: :star:  :star:  :star:
26.  Caimh McDonnell – The Day that Never Comes – Dublin #2  :star: :star:  :star:  :star:
27.  Caimh McDonnell – Angels in the Moonlight – Dublin #3 :star: :star:  :star:
28.  Emma Viskic – Resurrection Bay –  Caleb Zelic #1 :star: :star:  :star:
29.  Chris Whitaker – We Begin At The End  :star: :star:  :star:   :starhalf:
30.  Adalyn Grace – Belladonna  :star: :star: :star: :star:
31.  Jay Kristoff – Empire of the Vampire  :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

T Stands for  . . .

Spring is not quick here since we are having more frosty cold weather and a low of -3C ( 26F) overnight but I have been thinking about what to grow this year mostly due to the cost of vegetables in the shops!  The video below is from an Aussie guy who lives in sub-tropical Queensland, so the weather couldn’t be more different to the weather here, but he still makes some good points about what to grow, plus he’s fun to watch. I would love to have a garden this size!


Beetroot, carrot, celery, apple, ginger juice.  I’ve been enjoying this juice often, the beetroot colour takes over, but there are equal amounts of each fruit/veg in the juice.   I will be growing beetroot again this year, it’s such a useful veg to grow.  Apart from juicing it, I also like it grated raw in salads.

Here’s how my rhubarb is looking at the moment.  I think at this rate, I will get a first harvest in April, though obviously there are some ready to be pulled now.  Sometimes people force them in February for early rhubarb, but as you can see, no forcing required!

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading and Happy T Day!

as above


Altered Book Lover – T Stands for

27 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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March 1, 2023 11:11 pm

Lovely snowdrops peeping through! I love your ATCs – think I missed some on IG. I wish We could grow rhubarb here( might suggest it at the next Garden Committee meeting) The smoothie looks good, belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

March 1, 2023 6:56 pm

Hi Elle. I am so ready for garden days. However, it has been snowing here off and on for a week. I live at the beach it is NOT supposed to be snowing. I like your beet root juice combo. I will try it. Have a nice day today

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
March 1, 2023 8:19 am

I’m back and I see I have missed a LOT of posts. I considered joining the 100 days project, but I knew I wouldn’t have time every day, so I decided to skip it this year. I love how you display your backgrounds. What are you laying the ATCs on? What I mean is, what is between the ATC and the fabric of the day?

That guy from Australia was hilarious. He made a good point. I tried to grow potatoes one year in old tires I filled with potting soil. It was a disaster. One year I grew three stalks of corn from seed. They never developed because they weren’t pollinated. At least that is what someone told me. He obviously has a lot better luck than I had. He definitely has a large garden area.

You listen to a lot of books. I don’t have a player, but I used to listen to books on a tape recorder.

I finally figured out your beetroot is what we call beets here in the states. I looked it up. Now I see why you get that strong beet color in your drink. Thanks for sharing your first 7 ATCs, your latest book, your garden, the video, and your drink with us for T this Tuesday, dear Elle. Now I’m off to see what I’ve missed since last Tuesday!

Iris Flavia
March 1, 2023 5:15 am

Sorry for being late… or early, 5:30 am and -5C, brrrr, so much for Spring, so please, pretty please dear friend, share WA-pics!!!
There can never be enough!

Yes, great pic and I saw Jupiter and Venus, too – the only good thing about the frickin´ cold – the sky is clear. Dad always dragged us kids out of bed for such sights.
(Reference to your old home… mossies and warm nights in the very clear Outback, admiring the Southern Cross… homesick!)

Oh, no snowdrops here. My family´s garden was full of those.

Your art does not really look simple! Love all the cats, really one day…

I really need to find a way for audio books, but then I love music too much. And have sooo many books to read still. And I keep finding them in the streets for free on top.
I need to retire, LOL.

Oh, to hear that accent again, thank you for the video – even more homesick now! IQ of our politicians…b… Bananas!!!
1995 we were at Munro´s banana plantation near Carnarvon.
I have to show this to Ingo!!!
Maybe I try to grow potatoes in a box? This is VERY interesting, thank you! Bourbon, LOL.
I want a garden. Not in Antartica??? The guy cracks me up! He is wonderful, yes, I want to survive! KFC!!!

Would you mind, if I share this, too? He is so clever and funny!!!

Beetroot goes well with Labskaus, too! My Mum ate it from a barf bag on little boats to her workplace to shock tourists, LOL.

Thank you for a very nice morning – glad I can “go” to work, when I want 06:30 it will be then!) xx

Peppylady (Dora)
March 1, 2023 2:13 am

Wow, you been busy. No sign of flowers yet, here in North Idaho.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
March 1, 2023 12:43 am

I just got a phone call and was asked to take my friend Sally to the emergency room. I’ll be back, but must go NOW!

Kate Yetter
February 28, 2023 11:29 pm

Loved seeing your ATC’s. It’s amazing that you made those out of fabric. Very cool!
I am going to come back to that garden video later, but I am intrigued. We have raised beds and I love them. I have had success with the Square foot Gardening method.
Happy Tea Day,

February 28, 2023 9:50 pm

Awesome night sky.3/1 and 3/2 will see Venus and Jupiter in their closest conjunction. Love those ATCs. Winter snow today and the potential for another storm on Saturday will shorten our already short growing season. Your are so far ahead. We won’t see rhubarb until June. Happy T Day

Carola Bartz
February 28, 2023 9:26 pm

Your cat ATCs are lovely and so much fun! Working with fabric and stitching it sounds quite work-intense to me. The snowdrops are lovely! Some of my lavender have bloomed all winter long, and we have had a colder than usual winter, but also lots of rain which was a wonderful change for once! Good luck with growing vegetables – I don’t grow that many since they need so much water and that is still a scarcity where I live.

Erika N
February 28, 2023 7:02 pm

Oh I love those kitty ATC’s and how you laid out the big piece of fabric underneath in the video. I especially like the kitty looking up at the bird. And you have rhubarb? Mine won’t be shooting up until later in April I bet. Today it is snowing and I think we have 3-4 new inches now as I write this. I am going to finish reading my book once I finish with the T day comments. I am also impressed you’re on your 15th book. I will say I made it through 9 this month which I am happy with. Or it will be nine when I finish this book. And your shake looks good. I’ve never had much luck with beetroot but I will probably try it again. I hope you’re enjoying the vampire book and having a wonderful T day. Hugs-Erika

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