Happy Tuesday Friends!

We are in the middle of another bout of very cold weather – it was minus 6 overnight – and we have weather warnings for heavy snow for later this week.  I really hope that doesn’t happen but just in case, I did some food shopping today rather than leave it till Friday.  Also any plans I had for working in the garden this week have been postponed because it’s just too cold.

Today’s Art . . .

Today’s art is twofold – the first is my March calendar page, which has been covered with gel printed collage paper, fresco chalk paint and some stencilling.

In the background there is my tall container of hot water and lemon.  It’s actually the blender cup for the stick blender, but I also use it for lots of drinks not made in a blender.

and the second is one of the ATCs for #the100dayproject.  Note that this photo contains lots of teacups for tea as well as the one that the kitty is sitting in!  The name of this one is kit-tea.  It still has to be stitched.

Currently Reading . . .

book cover

I’m currently reading this book by a new (to me) author Liv Andersson.  It was unplanned and I just happened to come across it on Youtube.

In 1997, Eve Foster’s daughter, Kelsey, runs away to New Mexico and vanishes without a trace. Eve is convinced that she’s the victim of a serial killer who’s been hunting women in the region—but Kelsey’s body is never found.  Years later, Eve dies, leaving everything to her adopted twin daughters. The majority of the wealthy estate in Vermont goes to Lisa, the “good daughter,” while Connie inherits only a small stipend and a property in New Mexico. Connie, often the target of Eve’s cruelty, suspects this was another of her mother’s vindictive games.  Connie arrives in New Mexico to find a small, dilapidated red house in the desert, and the home’s mysterious caretaker, Jet Montgomery, living in a shack on the property. She learns there’s been a string of women murdered in the area—murders that no one will talk about. 

TOTAL for 2023
35 books

MARCH (so far) 4

32.  JD Kirk – One for the Ages – DCI Logan #16  :star: :star: :star: :star: :starhalf:
33.  Shelley Burr – WAKE  :star: :star: :star: :star: :starhalf:
34.  Stacey Halls – The Familiars   :star: :star: :star: :star:
35.  Liv Andersson – Little Red House  :star: :star: :star: :starhalf:

So far I’ve enjoyed all of the books I’ve read/listened to this month. They are all quite different, the DCI Logan book is set in Scotland, but is book 16 in a series so I don’t recommend starting with that one, WAKE is set in country Australia and is a pretty engaging story if you like mystery and outback settings.  The Familiars is set in England during the witch trials in the 1600s and finally the Little Red House is a mystery thriller set mostly in New Mexico and follows two storylines 20 years apart.

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading and Happy T Day!


as above


Altered Book Lover – T Stands for
Art Journal JourneyAnything Goes

18 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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March 8, 2023 11:37 pm

I love your calendar spread. Kit- Tea is fabulous! This probably isn’t a good book for me to read at bedtime! Thanks for sharing at AJJ, Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

March 8, 2023 8:59 pm

Oh, this is a beautiful calendar page with the pattern, the color is great, the little fabric is so pretty, hug Elke

Sharon Madson
Sharon Madson
March 8, 2023 8:59 pm

Love the ATC. Great that you can read so much. I go in spurts! Happy belated t day.

March 8, 2023 1:05 pm

Hi Elle, I am biting at the bit to get in the garden but still too cold and bits of snow during the day. EEErrrgggg. It’s not supposed to snow here. LOL Your calendar looks so pretty and I do like the cat in the cup. Have a great day today.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
March 8, 2023 10:37 am

First, I went to YouTube expecting a preview (or whatever a trailer is called for a book). After listening through the first two chapters, I realized it is the entire book. I am definitely going to listen to this one.

That calendar is awesome. I love the monochromatic colors you chose. It’s also perfect for Valerie’s theme at AJJ.

I am in LOVE with your kit-tea. SO clever. Glad you shared it and your adorable calendar with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

Erika N
March 8, 2023 12:57 am

And I meant to say thanks for linking up to AJJ and Valerie’s theme too. hugs again.

Erika N
March 8, 2023 12:56 am

I am impressed with how many books you’ve gotten through Elle. Nice job! This newest book sounds good. I’ve bookmarked it. And I like your calendar and also your kitty ATC. I love that fabric and how you named it kit-tea-smile. I hope you don’t get snow. This weather is so weird everywhere this year it seems. Stay warm. hugs-Erika

Kate Yetter
March 7, 2023 11:59 pm

Your calendar looks so professional. And I LOVE that cat in the mug. SO cute!!
Happy Tea Day,

Angela Grasse
March 7, 2023 10:10 pm

Your calendar is gorgeous

March 7, 2023 8:43 pm

Love the Kit-tea. So very sweet. Happy T Day

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