Happy Tuesday Friends!
I hope your week is going well so far. It’s a very short post today, just to wish Bleubeard and Elizabeth a Happy 10th Anniversary for T Stands for Tuesday! These are veggies I picked from the garden today.
I am having some issues with my vision at the moment, so there is no art to share this week, and apologies in advance if I don’t manage to comment on your blogs but I’m having a problem with blurry vision so I have to stay away from screens and anything that requires me to read – no easy feat! Hope you understand, but I will do my best, it might just take a while.
T Stands For . . .
Iced Decaf Americano that I had this afternoon.
Let me know what you think in the comments. As always, thanks for reading and Happy T Day!
Hope you´ll feel better soon Elle. These veggies are so good, as your organic coffee for the 10th Anniversary of TsfT.
I wish you a great day, take care
Big hugs, Caty
Happy (belated) 10 years of Tea Tuesday! – Anne (Cornucopia)
I haven’t had any ice tea this summer.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.
Elle i’m sorry to hear your having trouble… Your #10 came out fabulous! I just thought i’d pop back over and see if i missed anyone yesterday and there you were!! Feel better soon my T friend! Happy 10th T Anniversary! Hugs! deb
Oh, Elle, I hope your vision gets better soon. Your 10 creaton is very fun and the drink looks cool too. Happy Special T-day and take care of yourself! Hugz
Clever way to show the number 10. I hope things improve with your vision. Happy 10th T Day Anniversary.
Great 10! It has been fun seeing how everyone makes a ten! I hope your vision gets better and you can start creating again. Hugs!
Fabulous, tasty looking 10. Hope you get better soon. Happy T Day, Chrisx
Elle, I hope you are OK. I love the veggie 10. Pretty imaginative for Elizabeth’s 10th anniversary. Have a good evening.
That’s a creative – and healthy – way to display the number 10. I hope your vision problems will resolve soon, that doesn’t sound too good. All the best! Your drink looks delicious. Happy T day!