Hi Friends!

Hope your weekend is off to a great start!  Please note I made some changes to the comment form, due to the increase in spammer activity recently, so apologies in advance!  This post is short and sweet and scheduled in advance. It’s the second of the pages I made on Thursday.  Let’s get to it…

Today’s Art . . .

Today’s art is another page for my theme on Art Journal Journey for this month – Books, Cats and Tea, which are three of my very favourite things.

This one features all three options from my books, cats and tea theme.  The background is covered with Pukka teabag wrappers from the Peppermint & Licorice and Three Mint flavours, there is a cat on the right and underneath him is some book paper.  I’ve been saving these teabag wrappers and thought I had more of them for these flavours – given that there are 20 teabags in a box – but this was all I could find. I like the brown and green together.

I glued them all down on the page and then added various splatters of paint and some scribbles over the top.  This cat image is something that I printed off a long time ago, probably years, but it printed on photo paper, I think by mistake.  So then it just lay around in various boxes and drawers until I came across it again recently and thought I could definitely use it for my theme this month.  So now it has a home in my journal. I’m trying to make more of an effort to store more things in my journals rather than having a lot of loose things lying around where they could get lost or damaged.

The final touch was to cut out the big MEOW from a bag of cat food and glue it down on the page.  I outlined it with a thick black pen to make it stand out more against the busy background.

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading and Happy Journalling!

my handmade journal, pukka tea packaging, acrylic ink and paint, cat food packaging, glue, printed photo of cat, book paper, neocolour IIs,


Art Journal JourneyBooks, Cats and Tea

6 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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Bleubeard and Elizabeth
September 20, 2023 11:56 pm

You and I are on the same page when it comes to using our stash instead of letting it get lost or damaged. That was my main reason for creating my Cats altered book. I really like how you recycled the tea packets, And that cat is OUT OF THIS WORLD. Thanks for this latest entry using your theme at AJJ.

September 17, 2023 5:19 pm

I am on holiday at the moment but loved seeing this page especially- what a great idea! I also love your calendar pages, the white cats and Miss Lily making sure you had company while sketching those beautiful cats! Hugs, Chrisx

September 17, 2023 10:07 am

wonderful idea this Journal page! Marvelous!!!
Hug Elke

Peppylady (Dora)
September 17, 2023 12:23 am

Hopefully sometime I can get my book, cat, and tea page done. This up coming week.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.

Erika N
September 16, 2023 12:58 pm

I just love that background. How did you manage to keep your tea bags so flat? I saved a few and used one on a page I have yet to share, but that one is nowhere as cool looking as the alternating green and brown. And the big kitty is also very cool! Have a great weekend. Hope the weather’s good and the spammers disappear. hugs-Erika

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