Hi Friends!

Happy Thursday!  Good news first that Miss Lily is doing much better today.  Here she is sitting on my journal that I was trying to sketch in, but that’s OK because she was a little more like her usual self and that’s a good sign.

Today’s Art . . .

Today’s art is another page for my theme on Art Journal Journey for this month – Books, Cats and Tea, which are three of my very favourite things.  Here comes a cat page…

This page started off as a black paper gift bag that my friend had sent me a few years ago.  The bag was so nice I didn’t want to throw it away but I also didn’t know what to do with it, until it occurred to me that I could use the postcard that was fixed to the front in my journal.  The bag is in the middle of all the cats stuff in the photo below.

In case you were interested, here’s a look at the contents of the gift bag – all cat stuff!

I love the logo on the label also.

I opened up the bag and glued it down on my page.  I managed to rip it on the bottom but that’s OK as I will paint over it with black paint. That was as far as I got until yesterday.

As I was looking after Miss Lily yesterday, I brought my journal downstairs and sat on the couch keeping an eye on little Lily and did some cat sketching.  I liked the idea of the male cat looking adoringly at the female cat in the painting, so I thought I would try to draw the cat in the painting or something similar.

I used Pitt artist pens to colour her in but I forgot to take a photo as it was late and dark by this time – sun sets at 7.30pm now, it makes me sad.  This morning I decided the background needed something so I pulled out this Paperartsy stamp set, and after making some masks, stamped a couple of the frames across the background using some white pigment ink.

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading and Happy Journalling!

my handmade journal, black gift bag, paperartsy fresco paint – little black dress, gwen lafleur stamp set, pitt artist pens, pencil, glue, white pigment ink, gold pen, white pen,


Art Journal JourneyBooks, Cats and Tea

6 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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September 23, 2023 4:21 pm

I am thrilled with this journal page, I love your cat illustrations. That’s so sweet of your black cat’s face and the glowing eyes and the pointy ears.
Hug Elke

Erika N
September 23, 2023 1:26 pm

I just love the postcard on that bag. It was certainly filled with lots of goodies too. And I like how you used the postcard on your journal page. And that clever way you dress Mrs. Kitty and added all those frames in the background. Thanks for showing the stamps because I didn’t really notice the frames at first-my face went right to Mrs. Kitty that you drew. They look great and work with the portrait you added. I hope you had a great Friday and weekend ahead-even though I am writing this on the weekend.:) hugs-Erika

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
September 22, 2023 1:38 pm

That bag came in handy and the entire spread turned out amazing, Of course the large cat with the beautiful dress and lovely collar, turned out great. I was also very impressed with the frames. They were the perfect solution that brought everything together. This is a wonderful entry for your theme at AJJ.

September 22, 2023 5:27 am

Nice one!!!


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