Hi Friends!
Happy Tuesday! Hope you are having a good week… me, not so much and it’s only Monday! I wanted to make a nice card for my friend’s birthday, which is next week and she’s in another country so it’s already late! So I started playing around in my journal with some ideas for the card, then decided to make both a card and a completed journal page at the same time. I stopped working on the page so I could get the card finished and posted today, then realised I had missed the post collection so decided to post it tomorrow and went back to working on the page. By 3pm both were done and I realised I could just post the card into the local post box and it would be picked up tomorrow morning, and that would make it even later of course, but it would save me a trip in the car to another town. Then it started raining so I decided instead of walking, I would drive round the corner to the post box, got out the car, my knee buckled and I fell in the road and nearly got run over. I couldn’t understand what had happened as prior to that I was fine, suddenly now I couldn’t walk and was in extreme pain every time I tried to put weight on my leg. I managed to get back in the car and drive back home but it was agony every time I put my foot on the clutch. Got into my house, had to literally crawl through the house on hands and knees because I just couldn’t walk, and then crawl upstairs to get to the toilet.
Long story short, I called my BIL for help, he took me to Emergency where we spent five hours and was eventually sent home with crutches and painkillers. I was the only person wearing a mask, surrounded by germs and sick people! They took x-rays and think it’s a torn meniscus but will know more later. All I know is that it’s extremely painful, I can’t walk and it seemed to happen out of the blue! One minute, fine, next minute, not. I’m feeling pretty sorry for myself at the moment but let’s see how things are tomorrow. 🙁
Today’s Art . . .
Today’s art is this art journal page #seekgathercreate week 2 and also for Vicki’s Keeping it Light theme over on Art Journal Journey.
I made this page and the card, this morning before everything went wrong, so at that point in time I was feeling pretty happy and it’s a pretty happy A4 page with lovely smiley cat. (A5 sized Birthday card is on the left). The four items for this week’s scavenger hunt are 1. a face 2. stripes 3. something teal 4. wings. As you can see both the cat and the bird have wings, the background is painted with teal with some darker teal stamping over it, the cat face takes care of the face component and he’s wearing a stripey scarf. For Vicki’s theme, I’m going with light as a feather – bird and kitty wings – what could be lighter than being able to fly?
T Stands For . . .
A photo from January of my whistling kettle. It’s pretty cold in the house tonight since I’ve been out all evening at the hospital and didn’t get home till 10.30pm, much too late to think about lighting the stove and not sure I would be able to do it anyway with this leg and crutches. Glad I was able to post, but I wouldn’t have had I not already finished the page and taken the photo. I might be out of action for a while, not sure when I will be able to get anything else done but like I said, let’s see what tomorrow brings.
So it’s off to bed without any supper but with a hot water bottle.
Let me know what you think in the comments. As always, thanks for reading and Happy T Day!
my handmade journal,
T Stands For
Art Journal Journey – Keeping it Light
Ah, now I see what happened. Gosh you were lucky to come away with only a messed up knee! Referring here to you not being run over in the road! Doesn’t bear thinking about. Well Elle, I hope this injury repairs itself soon and you find what made the knee give way in the first place.
I can’t work out the date this happened. Just wondering if yours was the same time as mine (16th January).
Love the page, so bright and colourful – and love the kettle.
Hugs, Neet xx
Oh my goodness! What a disaster Elle! I do hope you heal quickly, and are back to normal very soon.
I adore both the card and page, your artwork is fabulous as always.
Sending prayers and gentle hugs,
Alison xx
P.S. Whenever I’m at the hospital for appointments etc., I’m always shocked at the lack of mask-wearing. I’m often the only one.
Oh my I’m so sorry to hear about your sudden disruption! I hope that you are on your way to mending nicely and peacefully. Your kitty makes me smile and I’m so in love with his lovely scarf to keep him cozy and warm! Brilliant idea to add the bird and wings to the kitty as well for extra lightness! The colors lift me up along with your kitty’s face! Thank you so much for sharing your darling artwork for my theme at AJJ this month! Wishing you speedy recovery!
Oh what a disaster! A torn meniscus is so painful and debilitating.I hope it heals soon and that you will be able to get physiotherapy, which I know helps.
Your cat page and card are beautiful. I know you are in pain but I do hope you will conyinue to create beautiful things. If anything it will be a distraction from the pain.
Happy T-Day,
Oh no, I’m so sorry you hurt your knee! Hope the docs can help you. That cat card and journal page is lovely. So happy looking! Your friend will love it.
I’m saddened to read about your knee and torn meniscus. I sincerely hope you are better now.
Sorry I’m late visiting. I had to take Squiggles to the vet and we were there forever.
I love both the card and the journal page. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ and Vicki’s theme.
Thanks for sharing your teapot with us for T this Tuesday, dear Elle, Once I have a spare minute, I plan to send you an email.
Oh Elle, I’m so sorry. A torn meniscus is no fun at all. I have one as well and it sure has bothered me for quite a while. I hope it will be easier for you – physiotherapy has helped a lot. The pain is awful though and I sure wish for you that it will subside quickly.
Your card and journal page is beautiful and indeed, they both look happy. I hope you can look happy very soon, too.
Ohhh Elle that sounds just horrible. I am so sorry this has happened to you. Yes, being almost anywhere people don’t wear masks, but in an ER, same with the caner center I was in last week. I love your art. Sending healing energy to you.
What an adventure! So sorry to hear about your knee. I hope your recovery will be quick. Happy T Day
I really like the cat card.