Hi Friends!

Happy Tuesday!  Hope you are having a good week.  As for me, I feel a bit meh.  I’ve had a few frustrating bad pain days so I’ve not felt very creative at all and basically have done nothing for days.  Hopefully this will pass soon and I can get back to normal.  I’m a few days behind posting for my #100day project – off to a really good start hahaha, and I haven’t assembled any of the pieces into anything yet.  I’m just not feeling it.  Tomorrow is my first hospital appointment so we will see what they have to say about my knee – hopefully good news.

The chimney sweep came and swept my flue yesterday, it’s an annual thing that’s required for the woodburner, and this week I have ordered my groceries online to give my BIL a break from pushing me around the supermarket in a wheelchair.  We will see how that turns out.  I haven’t done it since pre-Covid, and their whole system has changed so I had to re-register and therefore lost all my order history, list of favourites etc, which was a bit annoying and was nearly enough for me not to bother going ahead as it took so much longer to do without those things.  One of the options they have is to allow substitutions in case when it comes time for them to pick your order, the product might be out of stock, and so they will choose a substitute.  If you don’t like their sub you can refuse it and it will be refunded from your bill.  I’ve tried this in the past and some of the subs have been quite odd, so for this order I have no subs.  The downside of this is of course, if lots of things I ordered are out of stock, then I could end up with very little groceries lol.  It’s funny how quick things change though.  Previously, I could get free delivery, if my order was over £25.  Now there is no free delivery, and my order has to be over £50 (for Tesco) or £40 (for Sainsburys) or they will add a £5 surcharge!  And that’s on top of the delivery charge which ranges from £4 – £7.  So last night when I was trying to place my order with Tesco, I didn’t need £50 worth of groceries, so that meant that they would charge the £5 on top of the £6.50 delivery charge it was going to cost me – £11.50 of non-food!  I did not go ahead, I went with Sainsbury instead as I managed to get over their £40 minimum and a £4.50 delivery charge.

Today’s Art  (?) . . .

Today’s art (?) is the layout of my completed 80 sunburst granny squares.  I actually finished the 80th square on the 18th of Feb but such is life that I haven’t done anything about making them into a blanket yet.  But here they all are in the possible final positions and all still completely separate little squares.

Currently Reading . . .

My current read/listen and probably the last one for February is this one by Louise Penny, and the first one in the Chief Inspector Gamache series.  It was published in 2005 so it’s not new but I haven’t read them before and if I like it then I might continue with the series – there are 19 books so far!  I felt like a change of scenery so I have switched from Scotland to a small town in rural Quebec Ontario – not me personally, just my reading material!  Highlights for this month have been Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow, The 12 Days of Murder (which I wanted to read before Xmas but didn’t manage) and listening to Robin Wall Kimmerer narrated her own beautiful book – Braiding Sweetgrass.  I was reminded that I had this book when I read Carola’s post a few weeks ago, dug it out of the virtual stash of books and got stuck in. It was an absolute treat to listen too.  I am almost finished with her second book – Gathering Moss – but have paused to read the book below.  Gotta say, not as engaging as her first book and more information about moss than I could ever need.  🙁

book cover of Still Life

Genre:  Mystery

TOTAL for 2024
28 book so far

February Books so far – 14

15.  Andreina Cordani – The 12 Days of Murder |murder mystery | Christmas | Scotland | :star: :star: :star:  :star:
16.  Denzil Meyrick – Whiskey in Small Glasses – DCI Daley #1 |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland | :star: :star: :star:
17.  Gabrielle Zevin – Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow |literary fiction | CA, NY, US | :star: :star: :star:  :star: :starhalf:
18. Denzil Meyrick – The Last Witness – DCI Daley #2  |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland |  :star: :star: :star:
19. Denzil Meyrick – Black Suits and Sad Songs – DCI Daley #3  |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland |  :star: :star: :star:  :starhalf:
20. Robin Wall Kimmerer – Braiding Sweetgrass | non-fiction | New Hampshire et al, US | :star: :star: :star:  :star: :star:
21. Denzil Meyrick – The Rat Stone Serenade – DCI Daley #4  |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland |  :star: :star: :star:   :starhalf:
22. Denzil Meyrick – Well of the Winds – DCI Daley #5  |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland |  :star: :star: :star:   :star:
23. Denzil Meyrick – The Relentless Tide – DCI Daley #6  |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland |  :star: :star: :star:   :star:
24. Denzil Meyrick – A Breath on Dying Embers – DCI Daley #7  |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland |  :star: :star: :star:   :star:
25. Denzil Meyrick – Jeremiah’s Bell – DCI Daley #8  |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland |  :star: :star: :star:   :star:
26. Denzil Meyrick – For Any Other Truth – DCI Daley #9 |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland & NI |  :star: :star: :star:   :star:
27. Denzil Meyrick – The End of Remembrance – DCI Daley #10  |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland |  :star: :star: :star: :starhalf:
28. Denzil Meyrick – No Sweet Sorrow – DCI Daley #11  |police procedural | Kintyre, Scotland |   :star: :star: :star:    :starhalf:
29. ? Still Life
30. ? Gathering Moss

(re-reads if any are in bold)

T Stands For . . .

A photo of this little Alice in Wonderland charm featuring the dormouse in a teacup full of tea.

This is one of the little charms I am making for the #100DayProject but I’m not sure for which day it’s supposed to be .  As you can see in the background, there are more from the Alice in Wonderland set.  If you didn’t see my post last week, here’s a look at the first few days…

The plan was to turn these into small jewellery items, book dangles, journal charms etc but I just haven’t been feeling very creative.

Let me know what you think in the comments.   As always, thanks for reading and Happy T Day!


crochet granny squares, charms


T Stands For

8 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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Bleubeard and Elizabeth
March 9, 2024 5:22 pm

I don’t know what happened. I must have hit something that didn’t publish my comment. Glad I read your comment from this week.

I hope by now, you are dealing with the knee AND the pain. I adore those squares. I found the hardest part was attaching all of them together. I hope that’s not the case with you.

I am fascinated by your 100 days project. It looks rather difficult.

I LOVE the little dormouse in a teacup. It is the perfect addition for T Tuesda8y, even if it was a week late!!!

Now if only THIS publishes!

Jo - Let's Art Journal
March 5, 2024 11:51 am

Sorry to hear that you’re in pain, I hope you’re feeling better soon. Your crochet is amazing, I love the bright colours and I bet your cats will love it too when it’s finished, I know how they like to sit on your creations … lol ?. Your creative bits and pieces are amazing! Take care and happy belated T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

February 28, 2024 12:57 pm

I’m very sorry about your knee and hope something good will happen soon. I can get delivery for food here but I have to join for a fee, then pay a fee to have it delivered. I can barly afford groceries with out prices here so adding fees just won’t work for me. I am glad you have the service though with your knee. Your granny squares are lovely and is the mouse in the t cup and your bright yellow art makes me smile. Have a good day today.

Carola Bartz
February 28, 2024 2:10 am

I really hope they will be able to help you with your knee – it is so limiting not to be able to hop around the way we’re used to. That seems to be a very high delivery and plus fee – wow! I’m so glad that you enjoyed Braiding Sweetgrass, it was definitely the best book I read last year. I did read Still Life by Louise Penny, but none of the others in the series. It was quite good if I remember correctly. Your artwork is beautiful, I’ve already seen some of it on IG. All the best – Carola

Erika N
February 27, 2024 11:19 pm

So sorry to read about your knee, and I hope it goes well when you have your appointment. And your crochet squares look great, but I get why you haven’t connected them yet. Luckily they are done, so when you’re ready to make your blanket, they’ll be waiting for you. And I hope you enjoy the Louise Penny book. She is one of my favorite authors, and I have read them all. But just a quick correction- they are set in Quebec not Ontario. Some people from Quebec would probably not be happy to see that mistake, so I just thought I’d mention it. Smile. And ooooo, your art pieces have such great potential. Good luck again tomorrow. And I hope it was a great T day. hugs-Erika

February 27, 2024 9:42 pm

Good luck with the hospital appointment — I hope they can help with your injured knee.
Your reading sounds very extensive.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

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