Happy Halloween! October AJJ, Halloween Cards & Miss P Being Cute

Hi Friends! Happy Halloween or Happy Thursday if you don’t enjoy Halloween!   Yesterday the kittens [...]

Second On The Second – Another Look At Dyeing With Plants

Hello friends! I completely forgot what date it was until I went to add my [...]

T Stands For The Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time

Hello friends, I have had these photos ready to post since September and keep putting [...]

Music of Far-Away Summer Flutters Around Autumn

Hello friends, Today I am sharing another fabric-based journal page inspired by the VINTAGE theme [...]

Remembering Wombat

Today is a sad anniversary after having the kitten birthday last week as it also [...]

Who Can Believe There Is No Soul Behind Those Luminous Eyes

Hello friends and welcome to another May project!  So today marks the start of the [...]

Dyeing With Plants Workshop

Yesterday I attended a Dyeing with Plants workshop at Craft Town Scotland and hosted by [...]

Pom Pom developments!

I knitted this up while I waited for non-existent couriers to not arrive *big sigh* [...]

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