Hi Friends!

Happy New Year! I wish you all good things for this year and of course, the traditional wish of health, wealth and happiness!  Yes I am STILL on crutches but I have hope that that might change soon (for the better!) and I am looking forward to getting back to normal.  I might have forgotten how to drive my poor neglected car lol.

My PC broke the Friday before Christmas, I fixed it but it took some time and I had to back everything up to an external HDD – nearly 2TB of data – it took a while and I wasn’t in the mood for it which made it take longer.   So then between Christmas and New Year I switched everything off! No internet, no social media, no email and no phone!  It was bliss.  I got out a pile of DVDs, my mini projector, and some festive snacks, lit the stove, propped my leg up, and snuggled up with the kitties and some crochet and enjoyed doing very little.  I have my favourites that I like to watch at Christmas, these might not be “typical” Christmas movies but they say Christmas to me LOL.  These include Die Hard 1 and 2, all the Harry Potter movies back to back, Trading Places, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, The Holiday, Love Actually, Lethal Weapon 1 and The Day After Tomorrow.  Yes there are some obvious and some less obvious festive movies in there haha. I also watched some of the Sister Boniface Mysteries BBC show including the movie length Christmas special.  It’s a cosy which is not really my thing, but it’s still quite enjoyable and it has its moments. (As for books, I will update that in the next post – spoiler it was a bumper year for reading!)

Today’s art is all about christmas cards received . . .

I received more Christmas cards that these but these are the only handmade cards I received.  One at the top left from Jo (let’s art journal) and one from Erika at the top right.  The others are from offline friends. Thanks to all who sent cards and a special thanks to those who sent handmade cards.

Christmas also included . . .

The kitties were very good (?) this year and Santa rewarded them accordingly with toys, treats and new cardboard scratchers.  And yes that is my completed 2024 temperature blanket they are displayed on.  I was able to catch up with my blanket and get it finished by 31st December.  (The idea of a temperature blanket is to knit or crochet a blanket choosing colours based on the daily temperatures for the year.)  Here is mine completed, it’s very long – 366 rows = approx 366cm – and about 120cm wide, as you can see in the photo below, I hung it over the door to try and show how long it is.  It goes from the floor on one side of the door, over the top and down the other side.  I am currently wrapped up in it as it is very cold today again, and it’s keeping me very warm. I also have fingerless gloves on and a hot water bottle stuffed up my jumper.  My fingers are so cold I can’t feel them hitting the keys!

Something else I made this year for the first time, was a wreath for the front door.  In all the years that I have lived in this house I have never hung a wreath on the front door as I actually thought someone might steal it.  So this year, I decided to make one that wouldn’t cost me any money, just in case someone did decide to help themselves.  All the greenery is from my garden – I have plenty of conifers, and some lovely Japanese holly that has no prickles (although prickles might have been a deterrent lol).

When I was done assembling it (using an old plastic tube, some flower sticks, and some picture wire) I thought it needed some flowers so I rummaged through the recycling and pulled out any plastic packaging that was white on one side.  I used some of the cat treat packets, some liquorice packets and some coffee packets to diecut the flowers using an old Bigz die and a gold padded post bag to cut out the gold centres.  I threaded some picture wire through them to make the flowers and added them to the wreath.  The wreath is also attached to the door with the same brass picture wire and if anyone had wanted to steal it they would have needed wire cutters to get it off the door!  So for the first time ever, my door had a pretty wreath that cost me nothing and nobody wanted to steal it anyway.

T stands for christmas drinks . . .

On Christmas Eve I left out a glass of Salted Caramel Almond Milk Cold Brew for Santa, along with a Mince Pie.  Just in case, I also left some alcohol-free Mulled Wine.

The day after Boxing Day, a friend visited, and so we had a pot of Earl Grey tea and I made a banana cake.  In the background you can also see an empty bottle of Ginger Ale. Along with my beloved Cat Mum mug you can also see the “I like cats more than people” mug that my friend chose for her tea.

I also made some very rustic looking Mince Pies which I threw together at the last moment as I’d forgotten to make some before Christmas.  These have blueberries added to the mincemeat filling which added a nice freshness.  If you are not familiar with this very British treat, they are made with spices and dried fruit, not meat, though originally they did contain both meat and dried fruits and spices.

And finally, for the new year I have started a new crochet project.  It’s going to be a cardigan made up of all these different coloured squares, a bit like a patchwork quilt.  The photo is making the colours look a lot brighter than they are, they are much more muted, and since the yarn is called “Highland Heather” they have lovely names like Thistle, Bracken, Gorse and Loch.  I only started it a few days ago and I almost have enough squares to begin putting it together, then it will require some ribbing to make it into a cardigan and I could be wearing it in a week or two.


Let me know what you think in the comments below.   As always, thanks for reading and Happy T Day!Ingredients
as above


T Stands forTuesday

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12 Awesome Comments (btw comment moderation is on)
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January 9, 2025 12:54 am

Elle, I love your posts. So much going on, so much beauty. Have the best 2025.

Sharon Madson
Sharon Madson
January 8, 2025 8:44 pm

Love your front door artwork. Those are gorgeous colors for your new project. And you recieved some wonderful Christmas cards. Happy T Day.

January 8, 2025 8:37 pm

I love your temperature blanket. It’s such a novel idea. Looking at the colours (assume blue is cold) you haven’t had very good weather this year.
I didn’t make mince pies this year. I bought some at the English shop. Other years (when hubbie was still alive) I did make them. The mincemeat can be bought in a big jar (also in the English shop).
Happy T-Day,

Traude Rostrose
January 8, 2025 6:14 pm

Dear Elle, I think your kitties must have been really good. And you were very busy, especially with crocheting. The blanket is a dream and your patchwork cardigan will definitely look great too.
I think your “Don’t you dare steal me” wreath is particularly brilliant- but prickles wouldn’t be a bad addition…
I wish you and everyone who is important to you (animals and people or maybe just cats ??) a healthy, peaceful and happy New Year with many wonderful moments (hopefully soon without crutches)!
Best wishes, Traude

Erika N
January 8, 2025 1:09 am

I forgot to mention that I told my husband about those explorers. I think he might be interested in the books by Robert Swan. And I didn’t know cribbage was also played in Scotland. We hadn’t played in a few years but it was fun to pick it up again. Thanks for book suggestions. hugs again-Erika

Erika N
January 8, 2025 1:06 am

I hope you have a great 2025 and get back up on your feet ASAP Elle. It’s very cold here too, but we’ve been running our woodstove since the weekend so at least I can always go sit next to it to warm up. But I am walking around with a hat on-grin. I love your wreath. It came out great. I have that same flower die and I like how you used it to make those pretty flowers. It’s very festive and I’m glad no one stole it. Plus your door window is really pretty. And I am glad the card arrived. Your card came at the end of last week, and thank you for making it deconstruct-able. . It fits perfect in a greenery Christmas journal I made. And your temperature blanket came out great. I really want to start one of those, and I guess it isn’t too late, is it? Your holiday week sounds fantastic too. Your kitties seem to have hit the jackpot from Santa-just like the pups at my house. I hope it was a great T day and that your first full week of January goes well. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia
January 7, 2025 6:37 pm


Oh, no, on crutches still?! I am sorry, that must suck very big by now!
I haven´t driven a car since 2018… I can do everything on foot, plus I am very, very jumpy.
Beautifull cards you got. – I did get one and sent away only two postcards, too…
Wow on your finished temperature blanket!
Love your wreath and it´s idea, too. We have a bull and a cow as soft toys since 2011 and astinishingly no one stole them so far! (we live in a condo).
Your cats left the pie really for Santa, wow.
Now I am really unsure.
When in Madeley/Perth over Christmas some guests of the Caravan Park organized a Christmas party and there were also Minced Pies. I cannot recall if with meat or without!
Haüppy crocheting and A happy , soon crutch-free, healthy and happy New year!

Carola Bartz
January 7, 2025 6:06 pm

That is a wonderful temperature blanket, but if I look at the colors and think that the blue shades represent cooler temperatures, it looks like it wasn’t a very warm year for you. I hope you will show us the cardigan as well when it will be finished, it already looks great. The colors have beautiful names, I like it when they get good names. My favorite yarn comes from Uruguay and the colors have names like “fresco y secco” and “cielo y tierra”.
I used to spend many Christmas and New Year in London back in the late 80s and early 90s and therefore am quite familiar with mince pies. I always liked them a lot, especically the homemade ones.
I hope you can stay warm, how awful that the heating in your house doesn’t seem to work properly. All the best for 2025 and happy T day. Hugs – Carola

Bleubeard and Elizabeth
January 7, 2025 5:25 pm

Wow. I’m impressed. I love your temperature blanket. It is amazing. I was also impressed by all the squares you have made in no time whatsoever..

Those must have been some pretty good kitties to get all those treats. Mine got new cat collars that they will wear once the ones they have now are too old.

How nice to leave Santa drinks for Christmas. No carrots for the reindeer (grin)?

You got some lovely cards this year. Again, I would send you a card if I had your address. BTW, I found your card this morning, but am still looking for Lisca’s postcard.

I think your minced pies are beautiful. How sweet to have a friend in for tea, too. I like the mug she chose. Thanks for sharing your week and drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear Elle.

January 7, 2025 5:15 pm

Having such inadequate heating in your house is really bad … I think it’s colder outdoors here, but much warmer indoors, and my husband just caulked all the windows to keep the heat in.
I hope you’ll. be warmer under your very long blanket.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

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