Hi Friends!
Happy Friday! Miss Lily is on the mend! As I mentioned yesterday, here she is sitting on my journal page as I was trying to work on it. She just needed some extra attention and TLC so I stopped sketching and we had some cuddles on the sofa.
Today’s Art . . .
Today’s art is another page for my theme on Art Journal Journey for this month – Books, Cats and Tea, which are three of my very favourite things. Here comes a cat, book and tea page…
This is one the last pages left in my handmade journal. You might notice that it is actually a foldout page giving three “pages” to work on. The other side of this page is one that I made back in April for AJJ’s recycling theme. The fabric that I wanted to use for that page wouldn’t fit across the two pages and so I had to create a foldout page to accommodate it. That of course meant that I would then have another side to complete at some point and so I decided to use it for this page, so I could have lots and lots of books on the page. Here’s how it started off, while I was keeping an eye on Lily on the sofa.
I sketched the basic layout in pencil, then switched to black pen, and then started filling in what would become the bookshelves with a brown Pitt pen.
I decided to model the bookshelves on my own rainbow shelves. I created my rainbow shelves back in 2016 and they are pretty much in that colour order, though I have five bookcases to play with, two more than what is shown in the sketch. What do you think of rainbow shelves? You might think that it would be impossible to find anything at all, but it’s surprising how quickly you adapt to remembering the colour of a spine. Remember, it’s not the colour of the cover that shows, that would be too easy, lol, it’s the colour of the spine which is often a different colour entirely from the front cover!
Needless to say, I worked on this for several hours while I watched Miss Lily napping as the medication they gave her made her sleepy. I didn’t want to leave her alone, but I needed something to keep my brain occupied, so this was a nice diversion.
I did actually have a different idea in mind when I started, but then this one just seemed to take over. Here’s a close up of the left side…
And a close up of the right side showing Mr Cat reading his Cat Tales book in his library with a nice pot of tea on the table and a reading lamp so he didn’t hurt his eyes. Apart from the rainbow shelves, the only other things I own that are similar are the reading lamp and the table, everything else is imaginary.
Do you have your own personal home library? If not, would you like one?
Let me know what you think in the comments. As always, thanks for reading and Happy Journalling!
my handmade journal, watercolour paper, pencil, black pen, Pitt artist brush pens, white pen,
Art Journal Journey – Books, Cats and Tea
This was a good distraction for you as there is so much going on in your journal page here. What a lot of books in the library, readers heaven! Your kitty certainly seems to be enjoying herself.
Hope Miss Lily is soon up and running about.
Hugs, Neet xx
This is wonderful painting, the colors are fabulous
very beautiful idea this scene!
Hug Elke
I love this. Very clever Elle. And is it you who keeps your books color coded? I remember reading of someone who did that, and they look fantastic. They are fantastic on your page too. And it is also fantastic that Miss Lily is feeling better. I wonder what a book called cat tales is about. Catching mice, sleeping in the sun…smile. Have a great weekend Elle. hugs-Erika